Diapason Adamantes II and III good speakers or no

Well ten years ago I listened to these Diapason Adamantes II speakers,And they were very musical to my ears,andtaste,
That time the dealer is selling them for 5k, plus thedealer is not a nice guy,he is greedy,So I did not buythem.Inotice no one talks about them here at Agon why?.Are this good speaker or not?I miss them though.
I finally got around to fitting the delex panels at the weekend and the result was very worthwhile. i removed the wadding and put a single panel at the rear of the speak behind the driver. the sound now has far more snap / dynamic tension and a more realistic ambience. it's a simple and cheap job to do and can be easily reversed should you so wish. i still have that cryo'd jena labs cable taunting me to fit it and maybe one of these days i'll get round to that however may also try some high quality silver (have lost my appetite for nordost monofiliment following a disappointing time with a valhalla powercord).
Colesey, I wish I have the same skill as you, I am
very happy with them,I did work very hard, to find
the right gear and cables,This speakers really sing,
Maybe in the near future, I might rewire them with,
Siltech.I rewired my Norh 6.9 with siltech LS 120
the result is unbelievable.
I tried the jena labs cabling but didn't like it that much. Then I got some silver ribbon conductors from Mike Wolff and that made a great improvement to the clarity and definition of the sound. The biggest impact was on the mid/bass drivers however i also fitted some on the tweeters, together with a venhaus OIMP cap in the HF x-over. The speakers are now sounding considerably more accomplished than stock. it's been rather a long haul to get here but the results are very satisfying!