Digital Cables

What are your experiences. I just put in a new cable SR Digital II replacing a loner SR Corridor Reference. My system died. How one cable can make such a huge difference makes no sense.

Remember to take the system as a whole.
Last year I put in an MIT digital cable in place of a cheapo RCA cable I had been using between my Pioneer PD65 and Manley DAC. This was only a home trial from the MIT cable dealer so I had nothing to lose. But I was quite surprised to hear greater distinction between each note in the music with the MIT cable. I have read from the Audiogon forums that smearing is one artifact greatly reduced with digital cable and transport upgrades. The cable change here convinced me of this. I will not even begin to spectulate what happened here but my ears told me it was a definite improvment. After swapping cables a few times, I knew it was for real. Oh well, another $350 spent on a cable but it was well worth the improvement. And it was not subtle.
It is true. Cables make a HUGE difference. That's why all the fuss about them, don't you think ? That's why there are hundreds of cable manufacturers out there. Another reason is the big profit of course. But when listening to different cables you will see that each of them has a personal character. Others are neutral, others are not, but could be the one which makes your system sound nicer. I recently replaced my Yamamura 5000 (digital-coaxial) with a very cheap one just for fun. The result was not so bad as I expected but after a while I just couldn't listen to my system. I was bored to death ! (For the history the yamamura 5000 costs about $800/m and the cheap one about $0.5/m )
Just a suggestion, call The Cable Company at 1-800-fatwyre and ask to talk to John. They have a library where you can check out cables and audition them for a week. I had (still have) the MIT Digital Reference that cost $350.00 for eight years. Last summer I started to upgrade, and started with the the DAC and digital cable since computers have progressed so much. I'd always read how good the Kimber D-60 was, so John sent me one and told me that I needed to decide if I wanted to hear music or detail, because there is a difference. He told me that the D-60 at $290.00 was a great detailed cable while the Accoustic Zen MC Squared at $300.00 is a great musical cable, just to name two of many that he has. I really liked the D-60 because I have played music for years and like to hear what each instrument is doing. Right when I was ready to order the D-60. John threw a new cable at me, the Stereovox HDXV for an introductory $75.00 before Jan.1, 2004, and $100.00 afterwards. It is made by the same guy would made the D-60, Chris S., and is even better than the D-60 he made 10 years ago, for only $100.00. Call John, the website is, they carry tons of cables and you can audition them all. Not to knock the MIT Digital Reference, which was the very best I found in my search eight years ago, it's outdated now with the more precise technological studies. I tried to sell it and trade it, and no one was even interested in it. If you want it, send me $20.00 and I'll send it to you. It's a lot better than any stock cable, and for $20.00 you can't lose. Please call John though, the Stereovox HDXV is worth checking out, and for $100.00 you really have nothing to lose. At, they sell Sonoran Plateau cables that are shielded with special microsteel beads. Their digital cable is about $500.00, but it sounds really good too.