Dispersion panels question

I'm looking to put some dispersion panels, as opposed to absorbsion panels, behind my speakers to disperse reflected sound.

Primarily thinking of using long runs of wood with a triangular cross section.

Should I used a vertical pattern, or horizontal patterm, or some of each?

Or is the pyramid pattern the best?

Hoping to make the image deeper :-)

I think I understand what you want to do, I purchased seven folding screens, the fretted wooden type.
I folded them back and forth or in and out if you prefer in an 120 degree arc behind my Quad 2905's around the front of the room across the back wall and 2.5 meters up the side walls.
The screens arranged so the screens vee outwards from the corners giving opportunity for absorption material to be hidden behind if required.
I theorised that the folds plus the fret work and calving would act as a large diffuser an so it did, the improvement was separation of instruments and improved soundstage.
Here is a URL of the screens similar to what I used-


The improvement was that which couldn't be obtained regardless of what money was spent on electronics or speakers in my humble opinion.
Dipole speakers I think could benefit most from this arrangement. Regards.
Lustformusic - I did have a image width issue which I fixed with a couple of screens in the corners of the room. the image now exceed the width of the room on well recorded tracks

Unfortunately the front-to-back image seems a little compressed, in that it does not always extend back beyond the wall that is behind the speakers (only sometimes on really well recorded tracks)

A couple of audio stores have huge rooms with 5-6ft of space behind the speakers - their image is superb - that's my goal

Thanks for the tips.
Williewonka, my speakers are 9 feet from the back wall so there is plenty of depth but the imaging was a bit diffuse. This sharpened up nicely with the addition of extra clock between my server and Dac so it can be assumed that phase and timing are a contributer .
Depending on the speaker , I've heard improved depth by positioning the speakers closer together with no toe in but you probably tried this.
The addition of a pair of well dialled in subs can also be beneficial towards your goal. Not trying to tell you how to suck eggs but perhaps you answer is a combination of all the above depending. Regards