DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Hurry, hurry! Step right up and see the the amaaaaaazing and frightful "Capitalist"!! Yesirreee my friends you've never seen such frightful sight in all your life, not like this one! Hang on tightly to your wallets and purses. Keep the little ones close by your side and don't let'em stick there hands between the bars. If you have a heart condition, or are prone to fainting spells we'd ask you refrain from going inside and just move along and let the others through. You've come at the right time folks; the end of the fiscal quarter. You'll get so see what only a few may witness. Watch as the creature marks up his inventory! See the monster outsource production to other countries. Witness the anouncement of corporate tax breaks that have the beast trembling with excitement. See the horrid mishapen thing drool and spit as his vendors pressure it for payment of overdue invoices. Oh the horror of it all folks! And tonight it's only five dollars to take all this in, that is if you have the stomach for it! You'll be telling your grandchildren about this one folks, take my word for it.

I find a few things suspect about the review.

1) Can a reviewer truly be objective unless the item being reviewed is incorporated into a system/room that the reviewer is fully intimate with?

2) The reviewer repeatedly refers to drug-like effects. For all we know, DK was pumping pure oxygen into the listening area just like the casinos in Vegas do to keep customers awake, excited and a bit high.

3) Even if the enclosure was milled from a solid piece of billet aluminum, it wouldn't take three months. You certainly couldn't pump out several a day, probably couldn't even produce one in a day, as a complex custom motorcycle wheel machined from a round billet blank can take hours (doesn't anyone here watch the Discovery channel?). Hbarrel, any professional opinion on this one?

4) If Wilson Audio can manage getting pairs of their mega-monsters out to reviewers, why shouldn't DK? Again, get the speaker into a reviewer's room with their familiar gear and I'll give more merit to their review. How many times has it been iterated here that the best rule of thumb is an in home demo?

5) Aluminum is not the end all, beat all material for an inert cabinet. It's pretty damn good, but not the best.

Just some observations. Please note that I would love to hear these things though. I doubt they would be my cup of tea, but I bet they are capable of fairly impressive dynamics. I have listened to the Krell LAT-1 (another aluminum speaker enclosure design) with Dan D'Agostino himself in the listening venue tweaking and optimizing, utilizing his own electronics too. Very impressive, amazing dynamics, just not my cup of tea.

I think it's a bit odd to slam these speakers from a single review; however, I do understand pooh-poohing the review itself.

If what you say is true (deleted other posts)then THAT does make him a schill.

tmaco,if it wasnt for the 10,0000000 other posts hailing dk design's products as the new world leader some of us just might go audition these speakers.

even if the new speakers from dk are astounding & beat everything else on the market after all the schill post's that have come thru in the past there wont be too many people running out to hear them.

As the new owner of DK, which will be announced this next week, I can see from the preponderance of skepticism here that, either people don't believe the reviewer, or they believe he was unduly influenced due to the nature of the review.
Frankly, this was a rush to judgement, so to speak, since the company was about to change hands, and quite possibly it may have been handled better, in retrospect.
The issue at hand here is the very heavy speakers in question, weighing in at almost 400lbs each. To ship them, and ask someone to review them quickly and (I am not sure easily applies).
Someone, less prone to scarcasm here, stated, "Don't judge until you have a chance..." or words to that effect.
I would have to agree. Not everything is always as it seems.The speaker is quite a revolutionary product, with plate aluminum as the super structure, and utilization of 48 db elliptical crossover networks. So this is not just any speaker we are looking at here.
Someone made a comment about the cost of product involved in manufacturing, and their comments are simply wrong. Sorry, but much of the cost in this product is the hands on creation of it, with the use of CNCs that had to be weighted, for precision cutting. This is quite a piece of art work, as well as a magnificant speaker, plus one that won't take up the whole room. Quite a feat, I think.
Before buying the company, there were many considerations to be weighed--the random charges of shilling and so on.
I can tell any and all, that I do not know of, nor will I use anyone to promote our product in any untoward manner. This is not to say that it was done before, I SIMPLY have no proof either way.
The X Dream is a unique product that, given it's price, will interest less than 2% of the respondants on the page, if they fit within the normal demographics, so that may be worth some thought.
Please, in all fairness give us a chance to earn business from you in the future.
I can already tell you that some improvements are in the works for the Integrated, simple things like a metric allen wrench, so the tubes can be changed without having to leave your home and search for a (I believe number 8, metric.)Also, if I can arrange it, better stock tubes will be put into the base units, though through my own experience, changing the tubes was part of the trill of ownership.
Also, we have the Series Three Integrated, coming out at a very reasonable $3295. We debated going to $3500.00 which frankly sounds very similar to most consumers according to our marketing people, but it wasn't necessary, and we want to be open and fair.
Also, to be released, in answer to someones comments on this thread, will be our Loudspeaker Line for the masses, the LSA Group, (which now owns DK Design) Loudspeakers.
They comprise a bookshelf at $1000. with a unique shape, and either a Rosewood or Black Maple Finish. We feel that these speakers outperform most speakers costing up to $3K.
Additionally we will have the Floorstanding model, the LSA 2 which will be about 36" tall, so similar in physical size, to the X Dream, yet will be of traditional wood, with the same Black Ash or Rosewood, at standard pricing, of $2000.00 per pair. We are thinking of offering them for a 30 day trial, with full refund available to those who do not find them to their liking.
Some will not. I designed them to sound very organic, and without the heavy handed tweeter, so familar to so many audiophiles out there.
The new owners have a combined 70 years of business experience, and hope to make changes in DK which will prove successful for everyone.
I just noticed that I failed to mention a Center Voice for about $600. which should have been shipped with the other products, but as is usually the case, this didn't happen.
We will be approaching our broad dealer base in the USA for distribution of all the LSA Speakers, with more to come shortly.
There will be a press release sent to all the major publications over the next few days. During the transition period some things may fall through the cracks, as is always the instance with new ownership, so I beg your indulgence as we try to do the best we can.
One other quick note. I was praising this product some months ago, simply as an owner, with no interest in the company, just 20 plus years of industry experience. And after a lot of thought and work, decided to actually buy the company--mostly out of respect for the great products that they, now we, create.
Thank you all for your interest in DK, and also, in the future, LSA Group, its parent company.
Larry R. Staples
President LSA Group