DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Has anyone here heard the LSA model 2 speakers yet from DK Design Group? I like to know just how good these $2000 speakers really are......
I heard the model 2's at Larry's several times over a 5 month period. Even the first prototype pair I heard looked great and sounded great. Very alive and dynamic, excellent bass and tonal balance top to bottom..I heard these speakers with 3 different amps and 2 different cd players..Last time was with a DK amp and Exemplar CD..Larry's room is maybe a little to live for me to really get a handle on what these speakers are all about. I need to hear them in a more familiar room one that is a little drier in tone..As it stands now these speakers maybe as big a bargain as the DK amp is..Tom
Theaudiotweak, let us know what you think about the LSA model 2 speakers when you try them out in your system. I was talking to Steven R Rochlin from about these speakers and he said, if Larry would like Enjoy the Music to do a review on these speakers then contact him
If anyone else here has heard the LSA model 2 speakers before, please tell us more about them.

I have a pair sitting patiently in my basement waiting until the day my dedicated listening room is completed and my cables and rack arrive. Once I have everything set up I will give my impressions of the LSA 2s. If they sound anywhere near as good as they look I will be pleased.

You should know that if you do seriously consider any product in the DK/LSA lines you will get first-class advice, support and service from Larry Staples. He has patiently addressed all questions and concerns I have had throughout the process of selecting my system.