DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
Hey Dean, how are you doing?
I couldn't help myself, the thread title had me ROTFLMAO. :-)

Jeez, if these folks think AudiogoN forums are soooo rough, let's make sure they don't find out about the Audio Asylum. One thread in AA may take years of therapy to get over!

Tom, I don't think it is as bad as it used to be about a year ago on back. I don't think the 'Gon is nearly as contentious as I remember it. I have found it refreshing lately.

Sometimes when I get really busy with work and am away from the 'Gon for a few months, luckily for me guys like you will email me 'Gon threads I should take a look at. Did someone send you a wake up call? Heheh.


Audiogon is actually pretty tame compared to some of the other forums out there. Much has to do with who's participating. If you want to see brutal, go to a car forum or one centered on combat sports like MMA. Those get personal immediately. One of the craziest I witnessed was a Valentine versus Escort radar detector debate. Battle royal was more like it!

I try to add that Groove Tube/Kentucky Fried Movie perspective to my posts on the 'Gon, heheh.
Any one knows what might be the problem with my DK MK II. The sound coming out from the left channel is always louder than the right channel. This is particularly noticeable when I turned the volume down to a low level. I tried swapping tubes, speakers, and even the left/right input(just to be sure its not a problem with my digital source) but the problem remains.