DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.

Sometimes when I get really busy with work and am away from the 'Gon for a few months, luckily for me guys like you will email me 'Gon threads I should take a look at. Did someone send you a wake up call? Heheh.


Audiogon is actually pretty tame compared to some of the other forums out there. Much has to do with who's participating. If you want to see brutal, go to a car forum or one centered on combat sports like MMA. Those get personal immediately. One of the craziest I witnessed was a Valentine versus Escort radar detector debate. Battle royal was more like it!

I try to add that Groove Tube/Kentucky Fried Movie perspective to my posts on the 'Gon, heheh.
Any one knows what might be the problem with my DK MK II. The sound coming out from the left channel is always louder than the right channel. This is particularly noticeable when I turned the volume down to a low level. I tried swapping tubes, speakers, and even the left/right input(just to be sure its not a problem with my digital source) but the problem remains.
I guess I'm supposed to throw in my 2cents worth here as a DK Mk II owner (has been for sale on consignment at a local hi-fi emporium for about 6 months). I pretty much agree with the polite, carefully worded review in latest Stereophile, except the bit about excellent soundstaging. Was interesting to see the note about inverted signal, I never did try reversing speaker wiring, may have helped bass impact. The comparisons to other amps were also pretty much inline with what Iv'e heard at CES demos. Any thoughts from you guys on subject of speaker polarity and bass response/imaging? Thanks, Mike.

Just a few cuts from the review for those who haven't had a chance to form their own opinions:
"...the integrated amp possesed some of the hallmark attributes of a high quality tube preamp." By way of comparison, most high quality preamps don't weigh 77 pounds and have an amp as an add on, and cost only $3200.

"On all closely miked female vocals, sibilants were clear, crisp and distinct." ""...Minimum/Maximum ...also showed off the VS.1 ....lightning-fast ability to render rapid transients, without any sense of blunting or artificial edge. My listening note: "Chills!"

"My notes: 'The stage! The stage!! Hall ambience, wall reflections, depth width, specificity, and the speakers disappear."

"But you might just conclude the you no longer want--or need--to make that "upgrade", (to separates).
End of Quotes:

Was the review, that of the perfect product? Of course not--the amp isn't perfect, then again, I am not sure,any are. I think Stereophile's Bob (Reina's) review, allows the potential buyer to realize, that for $3200. (our entry level amplifier) one can have the basic sound of many separates which traditionally cost much more.

My personal assessment is, that this is a good review and points out the 'value' of this product.
We are also excited about an upcoming review, (elsewhere) on the SIGNATURE Amp.

Larry R. Staples
LSA Group
President Designer
Yeah...the "review" brought me back too.

But...I seem to have a different overall impression of what I read.

but lets take a walk down memory lane first.

Wasn't DK the integrated that would beat 10k separates?

Sounds to me like the reviewer thought more highly of the Creek (with the exception of holography)


I guess the Creek is a $1500 integrated that beats the $3200 DK integrated that beats $10,000 separates (although they still never told us what separates those were)

I feel really sorry for whoever bought those so-called $10k separates.