DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
Drubin, No doubt that Reina likes Creek, and that he said some nice things about DK. We might disagree about the review being "luke warm at best, but it certainly isn't as positive as Martin DeWulf's review of the DK Signature. I don't trash other people's systems, would never say the amp is for everybody, or that it destroys all other components, but I absolutely believe it's a great value for dollar product. While the Stereophile Review may not be all it could, it also comes to the conclusion that the DK is a great value, and other reviews concur. I'm very comfortable encouraging people to audition it against both integrateds and separates and let the chips fall.

It's too bad the company didn't send Bound For Sound a Statement Integrated instead of the Signature. While the Signature is very good, and a big improvement on the standard integrated, the Statement is in another league!

Nobody should take my word, they shouldn't take a review as gospel, and they should ignore sniping from people who have never heard the amp. I hope they will judge for themselves, put the DK on the short list of must listen components, and spend time listening to music in their own systems.
How is DK touting anything.

You're kidding right?

A. Look at their history...they...NOT the reviewers were the original touters.

B. Go to their website and read up on the know...the speaker that we have heard about for years yet it hasn't materialized as far as I am aware.

C. Larry...even though some time ago he admitted in the forum that it probably wasn't the best thing for him to come in here and puff out his chest does it ONCE AGAIN....not to mention...he ONLY takes the vague touchy feely words out of the review. C'mon Larry....why don't you post the Stereophile Comparison section.

I have no need at all to bash DK...but if somebody is gonna put himself...or his product on a self-proclaimed pedestal...then they shouldn't be surprised when somebody comes to challenge it.

now...lets tally up the pro vs anti DK camp...or should I say anti DK marketing tactics.

How many Anti's are involved in the Audio Industry...i.e. Sales

How Many Pro's are stereo salesmen?...and how many are selling for LSA?
In over five years here, I have never seen a more sensitive group than the DK nuthuggers. Why do you care so much what others think?
Folks like Jimmy Olsen, Emerawski, and Audioari1 are the reason that DK has such a bad reputation here on AudiogoN. That is if indeed they are different people and not one.

84audio makes valid DK points with class, as does LSA, though I don't think Larry should participate here.

It's the pro DK 'pushers', who for the most part are newer members, declaring DK is king and bashing the likes of Cary and Electrocompaniet products, that show no class and really pull DK down in the mud. As I tell my children, speaking ill of another person does not make you a better person.

I haven't heard the latest DK designs. I did hear the mk II version after all the hype last year, and felt it represented a solid value at it's price point. I didn't buy one, and it didn't make me want to run out and hear a mk III or Signature (I couldn't if I wanted to, as my local DK dealer has dropped the line in favor of Forbidden City), but it is a decent amp and a good entry into the high end for beginners. It's a shame that so many get caught up in declaring it the greatest invention since the wheel. From my experiences last year, I found that most DK pushers had little experience with expensive gear, as the DK was all they could afford. Nothing wrong with that, I'm not a snob, but show a little class when you enter into the high end please. It's a good value, but not the best deal in audio. Welcome to high end audio, enjoy yourself, hang around, you may find out, as other former DK owners have, that you have a nice start to a journey, you are not at the end though.

Toyota's are wonderful vehicle's, but lets not bash Ferrari's, Rolls Royce's, and McLaren's just to defend how wonderful a Toyota is.

Nicely put. Pretty much my observations as well, John.

Now, If you had bashed Hondas, I would have had to thump ya! Heheh.