DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization

I would like to know what tuning, customizing, hot rodding, tweaking, what ever.. that you owners of DK Design VS-1 MK2 are using to bring out the best in this amp. It seems to be responsive to changes in interconnects, tubes, power & speaker cables, speaker dynamics, etc. most probably to both the positive and negative.

Please share your work. I would like to know what improved it's performance, what caused no real change and what made it sound worse. Thanks in advance!
Hello Malbor,
You mentioned you have a friend that has done the Parts Connexion Upgrade to his DK. I have been considering having this done for quite some time and have never, until now, found someone who can give me their opinion with the outcome. Without being rude, is it possible to pass on my email to your friend? Thanks.

Oh, and just so that you know, I was one of the first to buy the DK (and I don't mean that in an Al Gore/internet kind of way) but was very pleased with its sound right away. And in the early and quiet beginnings of this amp had many conversations with Daniel. And while listening to his enthusiam about using the supplied powercord and interconnects, those items didn't make it a day beyond their break-in with my system. While this is a beautiful amp, it's not a plug and play amp and, as with any personalized audio system and component, will greatly benefit from a thread like this.
I had Parts Connexion modify a DK VS1mkII a while ago. It was a great improvement over the stock amp. If I didn't have problems with changing gear every couple months I would have probably kept it & been happy. It sounded killer. I think it was money well spent. The quality of work by Parts Connexion was absolutely 1st class all the way. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with them again in the future. I have since gone back to separates and am chasing my tail again. I sold the amp on Agon and the new owner is absolutely thrilled with the sound and that was with some inexpensive tubes in the pre section. He also got my cryoed CV2492 Mullard tubes to plug in when he is ready. The DK is a nice amp that never really got a fair shake due to marketing/shill and all the crazy threads and arguments. It isn't the last word in amps/preamps but for the money it is a great value.
Thanks for the feedback on the Parts Connexion Upgrade, Nicksgem. I have dealt with Chris in the past, just not on a project of this size (literally with the DK!).

I agree with you about the (past) Audiogon climate concerning this amp. I think it got ridiculous on both ends of the extreme. What a shame to move away from insightful and balanced discussion as we are all (hopefully) music lovers and the equipment is just a means to an end.

Take care and wish me luck as I prepare to pack this beast up without any harm to my body.
I also am interested in what the Parts Connexion upgrade path could do for my unit and would love to hear about the options, process & timeframes, and of course, the results during and after break in.... I would highly encourage you to post your thoughts and progress for us other owners interested in what is possible. Thanks in advance and best of luck in your quest! It would be great to be able to bump up to higher level of performance keeping in mind the "Fun per dollar ratio" we all love about this model.
Best regards,
Jomionc, I have come upon a tube that just seems to synergize with the DK beautifully and this is it:
It is designated a Valvo, sold to me as a Mullard, but evidently is a Phillips/Amperex according to Tube Classics. All of a sudden there is this deep structured, detailed bass response with neutral and transparent mids and highs. Look for it as a Valvo E188CC.
Here is a German site that features it:

The difference this tube made in my VS-1 was nothing short of amazing.