DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature

Have any of you compared the sound of the standard VS-1 integrated by DK Design to the sound of the recent "signature" model? I am very curious to learn DETAILS of how they compare.

Please only respond if you have performed such a comparison. Please be specific in your response.

Thank you.
Herein lies the reason the tube nay sayers exist (I guess for other reasons too)they can be delicate. Surprisingly, I have dropped tubes,just the other day, clunked them together and so on with no issues. Just bad luck.
As to Shari--what a jewel.
Shari worked for THIEL when I was with them--I knew of her terrific work. When I found out she was moving seventy two miles west from Lexington to Louisville, I asked her to work for LSA. SHE IS TERRIFIC!!
"...prefers THIEL or LSA speakers". You guys are evil!HA!
She's in Florida right now, her father is having health issues..she'll be back Monday.
Shari is the stuff of customer service legend. Her working for you speaks volumes about you and what we might expect from LSA. Well done!
I can't respond to the differences between the MkII and the Sig., or for that matter the MkIII. I can however say without doubt,that after thirty years of "chasing" the perfect sonic nirvana we audiophools strive to achieve,I believe I'm closer than I've ever been with the DK VS1 MkII. I've owned approx 30-40 amps over the years,tube,solid state and hybrids,Class "A",Class A/B,class H and digital switching amps. This DK not only sounds spectacular to these ears,it's TRULY a tube rollers dream. I'm currently running Siemens E88CC goldpins (dare I say NOS?). I've also tried Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8's as well as Amperex Orange "A" frames PQ editions,and I'm currently waiting to receive my Siemens CCa's .I've yet to hear any tubes in this unit that I truly didn't care for. I think to this point I prefer the Siemens E88CC's on most recordings,although the Bugle Boys seem to have a wonderful (I hate these terms)"liqid/palpable quality about them with vocals.The Siemens seem slightly more analytical than the Bugle Boys,that is to say,better layering,perhaps slightly better soundstaging than the BB's but not necessarily "better" sound... The Amperex PQ "a" frames are an all together different sonic taste that I've yet to define in my own sonic "tastebuds",but still quite entertaining and certainly not disappointing by any means,just "different".
In any case,my point is that this IS (at least in my setup) a spectacular sounding unit,as well as exceptionaaly versatile,AND a riot to tube roll with!
Keep up the good work DK,or Larry or whatever the company name ends up being. This VS1 MkII is what this hobby's all about. Great value,great sonics,and most of all,GREAT FUN!!!