Do Audiophiles blow speakers?

Ok so I am bored and curious, I have never and probably never will over-drive an amp or blow speakers....but I want to know if this happens with trained listeners or is mostly done by the masses of listeners who dont care about critical listening?
I know that lack of amp power usually blows a speaker, I just thought some stories would make for good reading.
Blown a speaker?
I once gave a great speech in high school english class, but no one seemed to find it THAT good..........
sorry- couln't help myself.

Well, if Fotis_k is gonna get all off-topicky on us, I guess I'll just have to add this one:

A penguin was driving through Arizona on a hot, summer Sunday when he noticed his oil light was on. He got out of the car and, sure enough, it was leaking oil all over the road.

The penguin drove around the corner to a service station and asked the mechanic to take a look at it. The mechanic said he had a few others to look at first but if he came back in an hour he could tell the penguin what was wrong with his car. The penguin agreed and went for a walk.

He found an ice-cream shop and thought a big bowl of vanilla ice cream would really hit the spot, since he was a penguin and it was Arizona in the summer, after all. He sat down at the counter and started in on his ice cream. Of course he had no hands so it was rather messy. By the time he was done he had ice cream all over his flippers, and his mouth was a total mess. He walked back to the service station and said to the mechanic, "Did you find out what is wrong with my car?"

The mechanic replied, "It looks like you've blown a seal." "No no," said the penguin. "It's just ice cream."
What, you think audiophiles are too smart to blow speakers?

hmmmm...too smart... these are the folks that will spend $3000 on interconnects... or will write on their CDs with green pens to realign the bits ....

I once blew about 8 drivers in one day - decided to hook up a bunch of small paper cone cheapo drivers to my sears silvertone tube amplifer - cranked up my fender strat - jammed away and heard the most beautiful distortion - before every driver failed one by one...

But of course I was not yet an audiophile in high school - so I guess that does not count.
I kept playing a the roar of a T-Rex(from a Telarc CD)over and over while increasing the volume each time on my 802's. A new tweeter was $110.