Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Yes, and seemingly more often early in the day than late at night when they might disturb others who are sleeping.
This happens every summer when it gets hot and humid. Sound gets sort of dead and mushy. I thought it may be thermal compression of the driver but no way with my new speakers so it's either:

1) paper cones, even when treated, get soggy from humidity.


2) Humid air propagates sounds differently than dry air. I'm sure there is a difference in density.

Does anyone notice this with metal cones? That would be my next option to rule out drivers.
Somehow the Audio Gods seem to shine on my system more often if the lights are off in the room and about 15 after a sip of cognac.

The Audio Gods don't like bright light.
Have you ever experienced Synesthesia, specifically auditory Synesthesia. (You should look it up if you're not already familiar). I have said condition and I can't tell if it is a gift from god or a curse from all that is evil. Maybe I'll look into being Agnostic........

Synesthesia Studios