Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
I am not sure if audiophile own mcintosh,but seem like all the financial analyst and investment banker all own mcintosh.

Recently I listened to Mcintosh's reference system at a local audio dealer. I was buying some speaker wire. The system cost 200,000 dollars and had monoblock 2000 watt amps and seperate preamps. The speakers had 6 12" woofers and a line array of 24 2' midranges and 36 1" dome tweeters. It soundede very very good and life like.

So I would say Mac gear is " Audiophile " gear, a lot more audiophile then I am.

MAC is nice gear; but is also in many ways a status symbol.

Like many people who buy a BMW and only commute back and forth to work in it.

Many want you to see their MAC gear, not necessarily hear it. Still nice stuff...
I have owned a number of Mc peices for the past 12 or so years. I can't say I am an audiophile per se, but I do love
music. I love to hear it at it's best in reproduction for the limits of MY budget. I belive that my system sounds as goos as it can given the limitations of the room. I feel that I have made an investment in good gear. The Mc gear in my systme can be topped in performance for the same money, but I feel it's durable as well. It will sound that good in ten years or more. I think you get what you pay for with McIntosh and it can be considered "high end" for it's price point. I am sad to see it in "mid-line" stores, but I lay that at the distributor's feet. They get so anxious to place an order and collect a commission that they don't hold out for higher end shops. All the years I have done business here on AudioGon I have watched that the Mc gear holds it's value. There must be a demand.
All just my opinion and experience of course, no contradiction intended. 2 pennies on the counter..
Mcintosh is for the long term quality seeking music lover, not the insecure tail chasing audio nerd, yes Audiophiles own Mcintish, and Audiophooles take jabs at them for it.