Do you ever just listen to music

Do you ever just listen to music without critiquing your system? On Thanksgiving I listened to music for 12 straight hours without one critique. It was the most fun I have had with my system in years. I put on some of the worst recordings I have a long with the best recording and they were all enjoyable to listen to. All in all it was a fun day.
I am always thinking how the system sounds and analyzing the sound. It's what I like to do. Doin' what I do, the way I've always done it, the way I'll always do it. :-)
Sure do. The system is is in the living room and is on quite a bit when we're home during the day. Fortunately, there is still a lot of good FM radio here in northern NJ. Call it background music if you must, but it beats having the idiot box TV on all day.
here is the truth.

when listening, sometimes one is in the enjoyment mode, while at other times, one notices deficiencies, or aspects of the sound that are not pleasing--the analytic mode.

music can appeal to the head (a lot of bach's harpsichord works, especially the well tempered clavier and the chromatic fantasy and fugue), or it can appeal to the heart.

much musical is symmetrical and mathemtical.

there is a strong correlation between musical talent and math aptitude.