Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?

And if so, will you be going for the stereo or the mono? The release is close enough now -- 09/09/09 -- that I'm starting to get pretty excited about this -- though I'm really not sure which to get. Maybe both? Nah, that would be awfully excessive, wouldn't it? But, we are talking about The Beatles, after all, so maybe ...
What are your thoughts?
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Darn, I was holding out for the vinyl re-issue, but I broke down and bought them today, very cool packaging.
Yes! On Vinyl when they arrive, It's a little off subject but this weekend I was speaking to a musician that made the comment "the only difference is that you cannot see it" when discussing sound fidelity differences between Compressed music and wax. I dont have any of the Beatles material other than compilation cd's friends have made me so this is very exciting news.
I am thinking about purchasing the Beatles CD remasters. I am not sure if it is really necessary or not because I like the sounds of all the Beatles music I have now.