Does Avalon speakers have a house sound?

If so, how would you describe it?

I heard someone describing them as "a litle brittle in the highs and thin in the mids". Is that so?
I am a classical music buff with a particular affinity for violin and piano. These instruments are the litmus test for any system audition. These are the most difficult instruments to get correct, and my system excels in both. The violin was the most difficult to get, but with proper components and cables, you can get close to the real thing. I have videos links on my system page to prove it.

I know a number of people who bought Avalons and sold them because they couldn't set them up correctly. They are certainly a tough nut to crack, and you will need to spend some time and money to make them work properly. I've had my days where I didn't think I'd get there. Audio is filled with enticing components which are really dead-ends towards achieving the proper tonal balance. Everything matters, including power and cabling.
Real music gives you a focus as it should sound. I am a perfectionist and good never will be good enough. Comparing and hearing gives you a lot of information how to deal with it. Many music lovers do not have the knowledge how it should be. Those who know how it should sound do not know how to get it with audio stuff. In 2005-2006 I visited many audiophile people with sets from 10.000 euro till 150.000 euro. Seldom there is a good balance between the equipment. They all make many misstakes and there often are not happy with there set. The main problem is that most cannot listen in a few seconds to all the parts you Judge a system for. They often focus on one part with which they are not happy. Wenn they solve this, often after some time there is a new issue. People often do not know the properties of cables, amps, speakers etc. This is what you have to learn to understand it. I work en think in properties. I use the properties of stuff to make those changements which are needed. Many audiophiles buy parts which are tested well. This doens't make any sense. Audio is al about making the right combinations. Wenn clients send an email with all there stuff I often see the misstakes they make. I send them an email back and try to explain why it wil not work. I always use the properties to explain why it causses problems.
I know a number of people who bought Avalons and sold them because they couldn't set them up correctly.---
Audio is filled with enticing components which are really dead-ends towards achieving the proper tonal balance. Everything matters, including power and cabling.

One should start with the speaker which is potentially capable. Avalon Eclipse was not the one with the capability. I struggled for 7~8 years to make a decent sounding system. I failed. Without capable speakers, it is the dead-end. Don't waste your effort, time, and money at the dead-end.

When you have capable speakers, the right timber and balance are easy to achieve because you can hear it. Audio is fun with the hope and expectation that you will get there. When you don't hear it, everything become hard and complex.

I am happy with a simple tube system I have now. When you have a good sound with a simple system, who want walls of gears. One should start with capable speakers that one can hear what is wrong and right sound.
In comparison of the last and improved Eclipse to the Monitor Audio Pl-200. The Pl-200 blow away the Eclispe with ease. It was superior in every single part you Judge a speaker for. Time and technique goes on. These days it is more easy and cheaper to get a 3-dimensional image like you can get with the best highend in the past. Still there are many people who spend a lot of money on audio for only a 2-dimensional image. This is caused by the poor knowledge of the peole who buy it. But also caused by the shops who sell it. I was amazed that many shopkeepers were stunned by my 3-dimensional image at the show. Wenn I asked them which amps they sell? They have many 2-dimensional amps for sale. So wenn people do not get the right information they still spend too much money on only 2-dimensional audio. It is that simple!