does it logical to invest on expensive transport?

at these days when we can use a laptop with a good DAC ,hi-rez files,is it logical to purchase an expensive transport?
as i understand the hi-rez files are more quality than a standard cd's.

thank you
the ps audio perfect wave transport retails for $3000 and should be considered. it plays hi rez and is versatile as to its digital outputs. listen first before buying.

i have been told that there are number available for sale used on audiogon.
Mrtennis, I have to bust your chops on that statement (good heartedly of course):

"i have been told that there are number available for sale used on audiogon."

what are you too lazy to actually read the listings on Agon and must rely on word-of-mouth as to what is listed for sale? After all, you are/were on the site when you posted.

Cheers though to you ;-)
Yes, a good transport will make a considerable difference. $15K!!! Where were you when I was actively selling audio and was being told that $ 2000 for an amp was way too high. Seriously, $15K is more than I would spend, I have never spent a third that much for any component and I have some very good equipment.
I haven't tried a lot of the higher end transports but people I trust who are in the know, state that good transports are miles ahead of computer audio. Logical is a word I try to avoid in this hobby. But it would seem "logical" if one of the better transport manufacturers would attach a usb and/or fire wire input to accommodate a computer.

All they would need to do is bake in a nice usb/spdif converter. For the audiophile that wants to use both sources (me) this input would eliminate a digital cable ($$$) and streamline connections.
Explain "in the know"? If you download music from you take the transport out of the equation. So would people "in the know" still claim their transport is better then a computer based system?