Does Separates really sound better than Integrated

Do you believe that Integrated Amps can sound just as good as a Separate Amp and Preamp?
I probably don't tweak like Stewie, but do feel like him in that I find it is easier to tune and balance your system just right with separates. I also think with separates it is easier to bring your system up a notch or two or three, if and when ever you decide to do that.
Yes, there are some really great integrated amps out there on the market, some can put many separates to shame.
Elizabeth covered it well with her reply. Many varibles to consider, I'd choose top tier separates over a top tier integrated amplifier if seeking maximum performance.
"Plenty of great integrateds, plenty more great separates"..

And each have their advantages, more flexibility with separates but the integrateds are convenient for reduced spaces. You choose the right words Elizabeth.