Does this speaker exist or am I being ridiculous?

Here's the laundry list folks:

- Full range (27Hz or below) - no need for subs
- Balanced sound - maybe a bit on the warm side
- Good at all the usual stuff - soundstage, imaging, detail retrieval, does the disappearing act
- Will fill a large room with sound
- Can be placed effectively within 18 inches of wall
- Great WAF - ie. really nice wood cabinetry, unobtrusive visually
- $3500 max new or slightly used
- Flexible on required amplification

Am I on drugs to think I can get all this?
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
Thanks to all for your responses. What I am trying to do is take a decent step up from my Totem Hawks/sub combo given my large room and wide taste in music, while staying with a speaker that looks pretty much like furniture. I would like to buy something now and be happy for the next several years (as I once was with my Gallos that didn't meet the WAF). That being said and having read just about everything I can find in terms of reviews, I think I may expand my price range a bit and look at the following as a short list:

Spendor S8E
Salk HT3
Tyler Linbrook Sigs
Onix Strata Minis - I see 6 Moons has a plan to review them soon

And perhaps:
Dynaudio - a few models
VMPS - RM30 or RM2
I would like to add the Deadalus DA-1 but it seems out of my price range.

As is often said here - it will be near impossible to audition all but a few of these. I live in Austin and can find dealers here or in San Antonio for Spendor, Dynaudio, VMPS and PMC. I know Onix and Tyler offer return policies but with shipping and return charges that adds up to about a $600 audition if you don't keep them. Ouch.

I will post my findings if anyone is interested.
Would suggest the Audio Note AN-E. Believe the base model would be in the 3500-4000 range (but not positive about that). Believe it meets your requirements fairly well, except for maybe the WAF. However, you can get them in a range of nice veneers.
Thanks for the Gershman recommendation Beheme - it had not occurred to me but further research shows it should absolutely be on my list. The speaker is truly full range and really beautiful to look at. Talked with them today about placement fairly close to a rear wall - they say it should be fine but some users say otherwise.

If anyone has anything to add on Gershmans near rear walls it would be great to hear. Thanks.