Dollar to Satisfaction Ratio not met.

Comments and assistance needed. I have a Bat VK51SE paired with a McCormack DNA 500.

CDP--Cambridge Audio 840c,

Interconnects--Supra- EFF ILS XLRs, & Kimber Hero via BAT adapters

Speakers-- VMPS 626Rs, ADS 1090s, Platinum Audio Solo

Subwoofer-- Velodyne & Sunfire

Power Cords, DCCA Eminence, Supra LaRod, & Shunyata Taipan helixs

My situation is this, sound with the BAT and McCormack is quite dull, I have muffled highs and mids, and just bass sound no articulation, regardless of what other equipmentinterconnects use to connect these two with. But when I switch out the Bat with my Nuforce P9 pre, it's a remarkable transformation, same when switching out the DNA-500 with my DNA-225, another remarkable transformation. So, any ideas, expertise, or suggestions, in the VK51SE & DNA-500 pairing would be quite helpful. I would like to keep the 500 and 51SE together for my 2 channel listening, please advsie. Thanks !!!!
Can anyone tell me why some amp designs have such a low input impedance.

Is it because the design demands it? Or they don't expect you to use a tube preamp with it? Is there a sonic penalty for raising the input impedance?


It seems that you posted a question a few months ago ( about the concern of impedances between the two units. Now you know the answer, not just from theory but also practice.

One of the posters on that thread suggested calling McCormack and asking them if the BAT would be an appropriate fit. If you did that, I'm just curious what they said and what kinds of preamps might be optimal fits for the DNA-500.

As others have said above, don't get hung up over making it work with the gear you have now. Move on, and evolve your system sonically.

My fellow music lovers, thank you all for the hard truths, great realities and lessons within the numbers that I have yet to formaulate as a second sense. But in time that too shall come to past. While the suggestion of more research, which I can only do to the best of my mere understanding thus far, is my best alternative, I do not have the luxury of hearing any gear due to my geographical location. Also while it is true that aditional gear ( as a bandaid ) may or may not get me closer to the musical nirvana I'd like to reach, I have decided to enrich my equipment list with matching pieces from the companies that I have already assembled my electronics ( pres & amps ). From what little exposure I've had to BAT, McCormack, and Nuforce, I've come to like what they offer when they're in their element. The sub while useful, is something I can delgate to home theather, and not miss much in what each of my speaker systems offer. But trust me when I say, not one bit of you alls time an input is in vain. I now have to do a little more in house component matching, which I'm truly excited about ( more toys/candy ) because in the end with this sound advice I'm now more on track than before. I did communicate with Steve about matching a VTL preamp with the DNA, which could be a future option, but I'll be scanning the Gon for a BAT amplifier to begin with, do feel free to contact me with reasonable offers. I have a sound track record here ( & Ebay ) as fast trouble free payment/purchases. Thanks everyone, I'm taking my lumps in stride, after all I'm fortunate and blessed in being bale to purchase something of the things that I like, an in that I am grateful for that aspect as well as all comments that I have read here. Hard truths can be good truths if applied in realistic truth I suppose, thank you all........