"Double" bi-amping a good idea?

I am running two Bel Canto 200.2 amps in mono with my Martin Logan Prodigy speakers. Each speaker has one amp, so I guess this is called vertical bi-amping.
The Prodigy are pretty power hungry beasts, so here comes my question, since I have a chance to buy another pair of used Bel Cantos quite cheap: What about two amps per speaker? One amp for the treble and one amp for the bass per speaker. Could I further improve the sound or is this money wasted?
I second Plato's vertical bi-amping suggestion -- before you invest any further. Use an (external) electronic crossover b/ween pre & amp, and check out the sound.

Good luck!
Thinking about how many pairs of speaker cable that you will need.It cost you alot of the money for just the cable.
Try Bryston 4b .It may help.Good luck.
I'm not familiar with Martin Logan crossovers, but you may well need to remove all or certain components of your speakers' internal crossover if you go to "active biamping" with an external crossover. Check with the manufacturer and see what they advise.

Good luck ... I haven't done this myself yet, but if you use a good external crossover "active bi-amping is supposed to be an terrific way to go . BIG gains in clarity and effective power from your existing amps.
You are right. I am not bi-amping, but monoblocking right now.
But why must I use an external cross-over when trying your vertical bi-amping suggestion? Could't I use the internal speaker cross over in my speakers, like Martin Logan suggests?
And since I bi-wire my speakers anyway, I would not have to invest in extra speaker cabling.
You don't have to use an external crossover if the speakers are set up for bi-amping. The sound will be better with the external crossover but since good ones aren't cheap, I would just plug 'em in and use the passive crossover in your speakers instead and later figure out if you want to go active!