
These days, things are different in audio than they were 10 years ago. I stream pretty much everything I listen to, wirelessly, from my Mac to my PS audio DAC. My issue is this. I have a decent system, a quality integrated amplifier and a very nice pair of bookshelf speakers. Over the years, I got married, had two kids, and they filled my house with stuff. My system is jammed into the corner of the living room and never gets any real play time for critical listening. Pretty much all we play at this point is kids music stream Internet radio, or listen FM broadcast, casual stuff only.

I'm interested in downgrading and am looking for some feedback. I want something that the kids can touch from time to time as they get older and that my wife feels comfortable using. I'm looking at going to a desktop/counter top system. I have tow Tivoli Audio Model Ones. One is in our kitchen that gets used all day long, the other on my desk at work, and gets just as much play time. So an obvious choice for me to consider is the Tivoli Music System. My question is this. Should I be looking at something else? I thought about looking for a cheaper emotiva integrated and stay with my current speakers, but apparently they don't have one.

Any thoughts are welcome.
The meridian F80 is pretty cool. It sounds great and are a pretty good buy used. It has a digital input so you can hook it directly to the optical out of the Apple TV or airport express for really good wireless sound. The other choice that I highly recommend is the dynaudio wireless speakers these are awesome and pretty easy to live with. I got rid of a huge rack of gear in my bedroom and just have the xeo speakers now and couldn't be happier.
The cheapest real system i can imagine is a pair of computer self powered speakers with a Cd changer. That is it.
I have used this as a second system and it is fine.
AudioEngine speakers and a used CD changer for $80.
I'm looking for an all in one type setup. The meridian F80 is a good recommendation, I just wish they were a little less expensive.

I love the idea of the Tivoli Music System, but the reviews I've read indicate that it falls short on sound quality and is not quite the over acheiver that the Model One is. I may have to jump to the Meridian if I can't find anything else out there that intrigues me.