
Is downgrading the new upgrade ??
I believe as you become a seasoned audiophile you can do more with less you also know what sound you're after
In my case you go with used equipment and look at building a system which components have a good synergy
Integrated amp, source, speakers. Seriously, what else do you need to enjoy your music? I'm through with all the extraneous crap that doesn't one bit of enjoyment.

I agree with Rrog's deindustrialization statement. Just today I heard some commentator, or maybe it was a political figure, talk about covering the east coast with manufacturing facilities the way it was 50 years ago. My thought was, what reality does this guy live in? I don't know where we're heading, but it sure ain't there.
All the high-end uber expensive gear did not deliver as promised. People have wised up. Most of it was just a con.
Rrog makes a good statement. Landing on Mars is one on Mars is another.
as a committed cheapskate I rarely buy something unless it is below market value. this is true for all things, cars, houses, audio gear, lp's etc. This allows me to build on my savings so that my audio gear really cost very little compared to it's market value. In this I am sure I am not alone. S
o downgrading, down sizing etc is just cashing in my audio chips so to speak. But as already been stated- beware when the fever hits! slow down, think hard, sleep on it and talk to someone(unless it is such a deal and time is of the essence). then drive safely and pray you are the first one there...