Driving MBL 121: Accuphase or Gryphon

I am looking out for an integrated amp (this is for my second system and compactness and small number of cables and wires are a must) to drive power hungry MBL 121.

These speakers have a very low efficiency (82db or so) and the amp needs to deliver a lot of juice to move and shake them.

I am pretty sure that the Gryphon Callisto 2200 would be a good mate both in terms of power (2*200 into 8ohms, 2*400 into 4 ohms) and sound (its rather razor-sharp personality will blend well with the sweetness of MBL speakers).

But I hesitate with a more recent Accuphase model, the E-450 which is a little bit less powerful (2*180 into 8ohms; 2*260 into 4 ohms) and has probably a more lush and reserved (?) personality. As I am currently based in Japan, I can have this piece of gear for a price which cannot compare with those at overseas dealers.

Could anyone enlighten me with their views on this dilemma?

Txs in advance
I use my MBL 111e's in an integrated Home theater/two channel music set up; and power them with the Bryston 28sst's monoblocks; much better dynamics and sound now with this extra power; then when I was using the MBL 8011's; which I thought underpowered the speakers...for theater; I use an Aerial CC5 center speaker; as I thought it would be difficult to get proper dialogue with an omni speaker for center channel duties; and it integrates great....sounds like you are on the right path; I have one Velodyne DD15 as a sub; but the MBL 111's have their own woofers; so I don't need as much extra base as you will.
Enjoy; and let us know how you solve these issues...

Wow! I wish I can afford your system. The quest for the absolute sound continues. Just curious, what do you use for your music source, digital or analog? I am not into analog because of the extra hassle. But the current digital state-of-the-art comes rather close to analog nowadays.
I use digital...I have a Meridian G-98 running thru the hd621 switch, which conveys some of the new aphodizing filtering; which makes my CD's sound much better, then back thru into a Meridian 861 v4.2. I also have Qsonix music server running digital out into the 861; the new hi resolution 24/96kz downloads from HD tracks played thru the Qsonix is actually better quality than red book cd as described above; but standard cd's thru the qsonix is just a slight step back from the g-98/hd621 sound..but it's all good. I also use the sony 5000es for Blue ray discs and home theater; the BD player handles the new HD audio info; and it gets run into the hd621 switcher; then into the Meridian 861 processor for awesome hd audio quality thru 5.1 speakers...I've not tried analog with my digital Meridian gear..it converts all signals into the digital domain anyway; but it also lacks a two channel audio bypass; so I can't get benefit from external dacs...

Other MBL owners have switched to the Bryston amps; see Dev's posts; with good results; and less expense than using MBL amps..the Bryston 14's or 7's might be a good match; but it seems that you found great synergy with the Pass 350.5...in an apartment; you seem to have your system now dialed in pretty well...
I wonder if digital amplifiers in the vein of Nuforce or Bel Canto would also mate well with the MBL. As I -right or wrong- associate the 121 with lushness and strength "in a velvet glove" (sorry literaly translated from French) and the Nuforce/Belcanto of this world with sharp/crystal clear sound and high dynamics , I figure that the association could work well, couldn't it?

Having owned the Nuforce SEV2's for the past 2 years, then switching to the Pass 350.5, I doubt the Nuforces could drive the MBL's 121's. The Nuforce amps are great IMO. The Pass feels twice better at twice the price. That being said, the Nuforce seem to struggle with the Dynaudio Confidence C1's, an easier drive at 85db efficiency than the MBL's 82db or lower efficiency.