Dual-Disc Destined to fail?This reporter thinks so


I have thought so for awhile. 1st one (Donald Fagen) Nightfly would not play in my APL 3910

Dualdisc is crap. IT's the answer to the question that no one is asking. It will likely go the way of CD-V (CD-video) which was basically stillborn/dead in the water from the get go.

Lame on Sony's part to give up promoting SACD. Hopefully the new Sony CEO from the USA will get over there and kick some sense into those wankers and get things back on track.

I have never had one that did not play. I can't believ all the stories about problems with them. I've been buying them for over three years! What are people using to play them; K-Tel?

Are you talking about hybrids or dualdisc? Dualdisc have only be available for 6-9 months max. You can tell if its a dualdisc by how thick it is and it's slightly heavier also. A dual disc is a CD and a DVD bounded together.

I had one dual disc. I got my hands on it about 4-6 months ago. It would not play in my Philips SA963, Xindak SACD-2, Plextor DVD-rw rom drive, Sony CDRW drive and my SUV (slot loaded). It did play in the drive in my laptop, but it made a hell of a lot of noise. And, yes I did exchange it and the second one would not play also.
I hate to say this on this forum but the average customer is happy with CD's just the way they are. They don't see SACD or DVD-A as an improvement, it's just another format to them, one they don't want to switch to.
