Dual Turntables

Can anyone tell me the "pick of the litter" from the stable of Dual? I'm interested in trying one of their tables.
I used them years ago so my knowledge is far out of date. Even when they were current it was hard to get the headshell adapter most of them used. Caution, the different models used different ones. I would go by condition as much as model. There is a 1241 currently listed at $99, I would pick that up and get a feel for how they perform, you could lose very little on the transction in any case. I have no connection with this sale, just looks like a reasonable deal.
Follow this link for stats, pics:
http://dual-reference.com., click "Products"
Belt, idler or direct drive? I have had all three. The CS-5000 is a belt drive, a little finicky but sounds o.k. in my second system. Three speeds and nice to look at. Auto lift & off is a welcome feature, the tonearm is pivoted at the level of the platter for reduced wow. -78 db.S/N., removable headshell (graphite, some are VTA adjustable) helps, too. If PRaT is your thing, check out idler or DD. 1219 & 1229's are vintage classics. Dual purists like the earlier 10-- series.