Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

By comparing the Dunlavy's to the Vandersteens your comparing two speakers that are more similar to each other than most others are. IMHO, the Dunlavy's just further the the Vandy qualities; less laid back, more neutral, bigger soundstage, more dynamic. The Dunlavy line really starts to shine with the SCIVA's on up, and with corresponding prices that go on up too.
I think Unsound described it well. Both designs use first order crossovers, which I believe is a big reason for an overall similarity. I also think the Dunlavys' bass will be slightly more extended and better defined, but I too was surprised to see you describing the Vandys as lacking bass--unless you're talking about the last octave below 32 Hz, I've never thought they were particularly lacking in that department. However, if you have a smaller room, a lot of what the Dunlavys do well may not work as well as a Vandersteen, which can do well in a smaller room. What are your room dimensions?
Unsound your last comment clears up a lot for me. That 2 is my impression of the Vandersteens they do a lot of things very well and are super laid back. mabe 2 laid back for my taste at times. I belive that I mis represented what I was looking for in a new to me set of speakers. While I did state more bass the better description would have been larger sound stage and a little more forward or just not as laid back as the vandersteens. I want a speaker that's not as laid back as the vandersteen's but one that I can listen to hours upon hours like my Vandersteen's.
Rcprince, Not sure of my room dimension's but my set up is in the man cave(basement)My house is rather large and the basenment is a full basement. I have never used room dimenisions when buing speakers in the past. My reasoning for this is that I never sit in the sweet spot and listen to music. I typically will turn on my music and listen while i'm cooking dinner or cleaning up stairs. I rarely sit in the man cave and listen to music. I love to turn on my music and listen to it throughout the house while I go about my day to day activites.
If I might add a little more regarding comparisons between the Vandy 2's and the Dunlavy IV's bass. The Vandy's bass might be a little looser, the Dunlvay's bass a little tighter. Both are about the same in bass depth.
Based upon your last post, it appears as though you'll like the Dunlay's a bit more.