Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

Rcprince, Not sure of my room dimension's but my set up is in the man cave(basement)My house is rather large and the basenment is a full basement. I have never used room dimenisions when buing speakers in the past. My reasoning for this is that I never sit in the sweet spot and listen to music. I typically will turn on my music and listen while i'm cooking dinner or cleaning up stairs. I rarely sit in the man cave and listen to music. I love to turn on my music and listen to it throughout the house while I go about my day to day activites.
If I might add a little more regarding comparisons between the Vandy 2's and the Dunlavy IV's bass. The Vandy's bass might be a little looser, the Dunlvay's bass a little tighter. Both are about the same in bass depth.
Based upon your last post, it appears as though you'll like the Dunlay's a bit more.
Hello 2channeljunkie,

The Dunlavy SCIV's are fantastic speakers! They are very large, but do not seem so dominating because they are narrow and deep. When listening in the sweet spot, they can literally disappear like the best mini monitors, but still have a huge sound with lifelike images of real sized instruments. They are very revealing of upstream components, so you can tailor the sound as you see fit. If you use sterile, solid state equipment....they can sound sterile or bright. If you use quality tubed equipment, they will reveal the beautiful harmonic structures that music has to offer. They have plenty of real bass that is very tuneful, nimble, and very well defined. When used in the right room, with synergistic equipment, they can be quite astounding.

However, when you say "........ My reasoning for this is that I never sit in the sweet spot and listen to music. I typically will turn on my music and listen while i'm cooking dinner or cleaning up stairs. I rarely sit in the man cave and listen to music. I love to turn on my music and listen to it throughout the house while I go about my day to day activites......." I feel that you will miss out on how great these Dunlavy's truly are. Yes, they will emanate beautiful sound throughout the house, but I think you may be splitting hairs over these different speakers when you do not even sit in the same room (or same floor of the house for that matter) that they are playing in.

If there was a chance that you were going to change you listening habits in the future, I would definitely recommend buying the Dunlavys. If not, I think it may be money wasted...... keep your current speakers, buy more music to enjoy, and let someone else buy the Dunlavy's who will be better able to appreciate and enjoy the musical magic that the SCIV's can give.

That would be my two cents worth at least.

Warmest regards,
Ok so here's an update on the Dunlavy SCIV speakers. The dealer I deal with has picked up the speakers how ever the tweeters are blown and will need to be replaced. Not sure if the dealer can get the exact replacements as these are the early production run of the speakers and im told none of the original drivers are around anymore and that one would have to call Madisound for a replacement driver based on the info on the bad driver. Any thoughts or input from any one. Are the speakers worth the time and hassle? Will the speakers still blend well with replacement tweeters?