DVD player used as a CD player good/bad

Hi, I have recently started wondering if one of my weak links to poor cd sound and punch is the fact that I am using my Toshiba DVD player for CD 2ch listening. I use my optical connections between the player and A/V receiver. I really want better sound. I have upgreaded to a Denon receiver that will be here shortly and I run klipsch towers and surrounds and a velodyne 15in sub. I really lack good hit in the 100hz area. It really sounds like the mids are muted or uncapable of playing loud. Do I need a dedicated SACD or CD player to enjoy good 2ch audio. Any educ. on the subject would be great.
Actually, many DVD players do a wonderful job of playing CDs. The culprit could be the optical connection or the(probably inferior) DACs in the receiver. Try hooking up the analog outputs of the DVD player to the receiver and see if the sound is more pleasing.
one more thing that is degrading the sound is the optical connection that you are using instead of the coaxial from the DVD to the receiver. If you have coaxial digital out, use it instead of the optical.
All good comments above. Receiver DAC is likely, but not always, inferior to player DAC. Bottom line is that not all DVD players make good CD players, but some are excellent. If you don't need progressive scan, then the older Sony DVPS-7000 series has a very good picture and sounds real good. Can be had for about $250.00. Other good combo units include Pioneer Elite 05 or 09, Sony DVP-9000ES and the high end Toshiba S9200 I believe. I am sure there are lots of others.
I've had both Sony 9000es and Toshiba 9200 as well as Ah Tjoeb cd player. The Toshiba is far better for me than the others on redbook CD's. Stereopile class A and I agree, great one box player. USed around $500.
I have a few suggestions......

1) Try the analog audio outs from the DVD player.

2) Like Royy suggested try the Coax instead of the optical.

However, I must inform you that there is a multitude of things that could be at work individually or simultaneously. Aside from the obvious, like speaker characteristics, room acoustics, Interconnect characteristics, Speaker placement, Speaker cable characteristics, just to name a few, could all be the culprit.

Very nice external DACs can be had, here at A'gon, for very little. I can tell you from first hand experience that an external DAC can really work magic. But you need to have a handle on your systems specific strentghs/weaknesses or that magic may slip right through your hands. i.e. A great DAC might not sound so great if you have a crappy sounding IC mucking things up.

A little tweaking and experimnenting can go a long way.