Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200

G'day all

I would like to ask the advice of fellow Dynaudio/Plinius owners and fans.

I am considering upgrading my speakers to Dynaudio C2's and im wondering wether my Plinius 9200 would be adequate to drive them or would i need to upgrade to a bigger Plinius amp.

My room is approx 15' x 18' and i generally only listen at low to moderate volumes so will the 9200 still give me the kick??

Thanks very much
Dkzzzz - You seem to bash everything. Do you like anything other than ATC active speakers... or is everything else garbage in your opinion?

Also, you never responded to my question from a few days ago... what does your system consist of (amp, pre, source(s), cables, speakers? I'd like to know.
I have owned the C2's along with a host of other Dynaudio models. Not surprisingly, I haven't found them to have "dead" treble.

I think the Plinius would do well, but if upgrading the amp down the line is out of the question, I'm not sure I'd want that combo forever. Dyns love power, although the C2's aren't as demanding as the older confidence line. The C2's will certainly reward further investment in your upstream components.

I used them in a 14x19x8 room - I loved them. I enjoyed them on a wide range of music genres.
Johnno35 - I apologize for getting this thread off track. To summarize, I believe there is merit in many of these threads. I do believe the Plinius 9200 will "work", however, if money is not an issue, and you can afford separates, there are better options that will get you better results at a price (as mentioned... Pass 250.5, Mcintosh 402 or 501's, Plinius SA 102 or even better the SA-250). Personally, I kind of like a softer/more polite sound, in that I find it easier to listen to. There is no silver bullet, or one size fits all. I'm a believer in "you get what you pay for" in most cases. Stick with a reputable manufacturer, buy used gear if possible, and trade up when the time is right.
You may want to consider Simaudio for an amplifier. Simaudio uses Dynaudio speakers exclusively and at audio shows. I haave heard the discontined MOON W-5 LE with the C'2's, it sounded excellent as well as the new Evolution Series W-8 with Confidence C-4's. Something to consider anyway.

Pdreher if you care to know I have Marantz universal player Music Hall Mambo amp and ATC SCM 35 Passive.
I use copper wires for cables. And all my power cords are black.