Dynaudio Confidence 5 or Confidence 1 for this room????

Good Morning All,

Just chasing your thoughts on what speaker would be suited to a room that measures 13.43 ft width / 13.41 ft long. Volume 17.62 square metres.

I already own the C5 and was thinking of down sizing to the smaller C1. Speakers being driven by Atma-Sphere MA-2 mono blocks (220w per channel).

Many thanks for your help.

Chel13 - probably a good idea to stick with what you have. Treating your room would go a long way to minimizing slap echo, deflection & booming bass. I spent approx. $700 with GIK Acoustics for 8 panels (4" x 2 ft x 4 ft), and it was the best money I've spent.
Hello to all! I have a pair of C5's and was frustrated for the longest time -tried lots of different speaker cables, acoustic panels to treat my room ( 13.5 x 24 x 8 feet) and a bunch of different amplifiers. After experimenting for 2 years in a row I finally got them to sing right, and it didn't even take that much power as everyone believes. I am using a NAD Masters M3 integr. amplifier, fine tuned with Furutech PADIS fuses and Kimber Select KS1021 WBT-nextgen to replace the stock bridge, Nordost TYR XLR in connection to the SACD player, all power cords are PS Audio AC-5 ( pcocc). I just replaced my Nordost SPM speaker cables with the Monarchy Audio PCOCC speaker cable ( it was just $99USD on audiogon) now the C5 sounds fantastic. Those PCOCC speaker cables made a huge difference- unbelievable as they are the cheapest link in my chain! I am so glad I didn't give up on the Confidence 5- they finally sound right- very much like my AKG 701 headphones, smooth, super silky, nice tight but well presented bass, no coloration whatsoever and no boominess! I guess when the cables are right you don't need the big fat amplification. I get better sonic results with my M3 in combination with the C5 than I ever got out of my Krell power amps ( KAV500 bridged)- they where very powerful, but it was overwhelming, just not right- resulting in a brutal punchy bass without any silky smoothness. My advice-try a bunch of different speaker cables- cardas golden reference if you want to spend some more money. and place the C5 close to the rear wall ( about a foot distance to the wall- about 10 feet apart and angled in to your position) they don't care so much about distance to the side walls. Cheers and enjoy!
I'm sure you already know this... but 13 x 13 is way too small for any serious high end audio. For any Dynaudio speaker to shine, you're going to need a bigger room.
treating a square room is the only thing to do---otherwise nothing is going to sound decent.