EL 34 Amp Recommendations

I've got the bug to upgrade my amplifier, not too hard to do using a SS Nad that is 20 years old. After doing a bit of research I would like a EL 34 tube amp. I haven't tried a tube amp before so this is new territory for me.
My system:

Pre-Amp--Cary SLP 98
Speakers--89db efficient
Subs--2 Vandersteen 2WQ

Would like to keep the budget under $2,200.
Any recomendations?

Thanks for the help,
Well, I hate to add my 2 cents worth because I am a big fan of Quicksilver since the 8417 days...and I own mid monos to listen to different tubes. Recently, I have been listening to the mid monos with many tubes types, US Tungsol-black-grey and three hole plate. Gold Lion Kt66 and KT77, GE6550, Sylvania 6550, Svetlana, JJ, TAD, Mesa Boogie, etc etc etc. The best tube I have found for the mid monos is the old clear top GE 6l6s...best transparency, depth, imaging etc. Yes, other tubes have a more pronounced mid bass but the sound is dark in the upper midrange.

Well anyway just when I thought I had found the "magic" zone of the mid monos.....I decided to pull out the old 8417 monos. They had been sitting over a year so I plugged them in for about an hour and then hooked them up. Bad decision...the old 8417 absolutely blew away the mid monos...I don't really want to talk about it. not even close. FYI guys.. Larry
Run, don't walk or stall - there's a primaluna prolog seven amp set right now on agon for $2200!!!! What an amp - el34s, 70 wpc. Maybe if its still there tomorrow I'll buy it - but I don't need an amp. But still...........
With a 12 year track record with RM9 MK I & MK II, I had a 14 year absence while owning OTL amps, I am happily back in the Music Reference camp.

I purchased a new MR RM-9 Special Edition from Roger in October of 2012. This amp is his no-cost statement of his almost 30 year production runs of RM-9 Mk I & MkII PP EL34 design. Hand built, hand wired, custom wound transformerss, hand selected tubes and a no hassel built in test points to test every tube in the amp. The fit and finish resembles a fine Swiss watch. I have found the Seimens El34 tube to be my choice.

I agree with the posts above, they sound great, built to last the long haul and are trouble free. My last amp!

Email Roger. He has a few new SE and some used reconditioned Mk I & Mk II available last time I spoke to him. He's One of the "good-guys" of high-end audio.

I'll add my vote for the Cary SA 280 V12...very flexible and so engaging...you can use so many different tube types including the EL-34's (my favorite too). The other little gem is the VTL MB-125 monoblocs...oh boy are they sweethearts. IMHO stick with the EL-34's they do so much right, you will forget all your troubles away once under their spell.Happy Lissn'n