EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??

I'm looking for suggestions for this type of Integrated. Most recent amps use KT88's in triode/ultralinear modes. Are there quality amps that are all triode or triode /ultralinear switchable. I'd like more than 30 TRIODE watts.
Any suggestons? Budget....flexible based on quality.

I realize the OP is looking for an EL34 integrated. He may have to look for a unit with more than the standard four output tubes to get what he wants.
Tobias (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

These may work for him,but are power amps.Maybe there's an integrated out there with 4 EL34s per channel.
I should have said a single integrated.But they still can be on his list.I'm new to these.
Not switchable but I really like the Ars Sonum Filarmonia. You may also want to check out Air Tight.