EL34 vs. KT66 output tubes

I've had the recent opportunity to compare EL34 and KT66 output tubes in my AES sixpac monobloc amps (the amps come with the EL34's). I am surprised how much more I like the KT66's. Male vocals in particular seem to really reach out much more with the KT66's. Although bass might not be as deep as the EL34's, it has a warmer rounder feel. Is the KT66 known to be a warmer sounding tube? Does anyone have experience with both of these tubes?
The EL34's are the Ruby EL34B STR. I'm not sure who makes the KT66's; the writing on them is "Electron Tube KT66 Made in China". I thing the brand might be Shuguang. I got the first set of KT66's from Cary, and the 2nd from Upscale.

What I mean about the male vocals reaching out, is that they just seem to have more presence, like they are closer to me and a little more gutsy. Maybe the KT66's have a bump in the lower midrange? Anyhow I really like the effect. It actually sounds more realistic to me, like I am more in a concert hall. I had to go back to the EL34's for a while until I got a new set of KT66's, and I thought there was definitely a bit of lost 'magic'. I would love to try a more 'exotic' KT66 like the Genelax, but holy cow, are these expensive!!

Matty, if you decide to try the KT66's, I would be very curious to hear your comments. Be aware though, that you lose a bit of power; I think the KT66's provides around 35wpc as opposed to the 50wpc from the EL34's. No problem for me as I am using fairly efficient speakers, and it goes as loud as I need.
By the way, it was the folks at Cary that suggested the KT66. I called them asking for suggestions based on my comments and the type of music I mostly listen to, and they thought the KT66 would work well... they were correct!
For Push and Pull tube amps,
I always prefer 7027, KT66, 7591 and EL84 over EL34.
The vocal always sound richer over all than EL34.
The bass on EL34 is not neccessary better. It really depends on which brand/type of the tube and the amp you installed them on.
Always prefer the NOS tubes over the modern Chinese and Russians.
Yes, 'richer' is the correct word for what I am hearing. I little more forward as well. I like the bass with the KT66's; it seems a little rounder and fuller than with the EL34's, although maybe not quite as deep.
Well, that's why they make vanilla AND chocolate.

Most people, me among them, prefer the EL34 over the KT66 (and 6L6/5881), but the important thing is that you have found YOUR best tube!