Electraglide Ultra Kahn / Shunyata Anaconda vx

Guys, I'm soon going to be looking for a very high quality power cable for my transport (system details below) and have both the Ultra Kahn Statement 2 and Anaconda vx on my shortlist. The qualities I favour are musicality and a full bodied tonal structure, with excellent micro-dynamics to recreate a realistic ambiance. I already have an anaconda vx which i think is great however a dealer (with an excellent reputation who stocks both brands) has suggested I will love the Ultra Kahn even more. Alternatively maybe you can suggest other models which may work well for me. I've heard good things about elrod however they are too inflexible for my tastes; similarly any views about the Wollf Carbon Ribbons would be appreciated. thanks Mark

audio synthesis transcend and dax discrete
valhalla i/c with silver bullet plugs
rogue amp with nos gecs / rcas
xindak fs2 spkr cables
hydra 8 with anaconda / python / xindak gold
townshend seismic stand
Warren: By nature, a well designed power cable that attempts to achieve a lower noise floor is NOT "neutral" in itself. As such, i've already answered your question.

Power cords are PART of a power delivery SYSTEM. When you count on them to perform major filtering through manipulation of the bandpass and / or cleanse a component of incoming RFI & EMI all by themselves, you've assigned a helluva lot of complex work to what is basically a relatively simple passive circuit with minimal parts count. If you would like further details, try reading this thread about transformers here on Agon. Sean
Sean, thanks for the info. I found it very interesting. Well, at least, what I understood. A little too scientific for me. I'm interest in what power cords you have found through your listening experiences to have the lowest noise floors. peace, warren
Sean, what power cords, speaker cables and ICs do you use in your system? Take a glance at my above question as well. thanks...
Warren: In response to the questions here and to the two emails that you sent me, I don't see every response or every thread posted right away. My schedule and attention levels vary, so i don't / can't always respond to suit your preferences or schedule.

I typically check the "12 hour" view and if i don't see anything in that section that i'm interested in and / or already posting in, i may not be aware that i "need" to follow up on a post or request. Due to the differences in when i'm logging on due to my own personal schedule and the time that someone posts a response, i may not see their response right away. That is, until someone else posts and brings that thread back up into sync with my specific schedule and the "recent 12 hour activity". Evidently, your posts and my viewing habits didn't coincide within a 12 hour time-frame, hence the lack of response. Sorry if that upsets you or anyone else.

Having said that, i normally have five different systems running. My speaker cables of choice are the flat series of Goertz ( as should be well known by now ). Having said that, i'm not running Goertz in every system. My HT system is plumbed with Kimber 8TC and 4TC and my bedroom system uses modified XLO cabling. The Kimber was used in the HT system due to routing / flexibility issues and because i consider it to be a pretty well rounded product. The XLO was used for similar reasons, but only after i reconfigured the electrical geometry of the cable and re-terminated it. Like most of the other types of interconnects and power cords, i have many different types and brands of speaker cables that i own but aren't using.

As far as interconnects go, they vary by application and are non-universal by nature due to different loading conditions in the component to component interphase. My thoughts on this should be reasonably well know by anyone that has read more than a few of my posts on the subject. If you want a list of brand names that i have and am currently using, i have and use Magnan, Music Metre, Tara Labs, VH Audio, Goertz and a few other random cables along with some home-brewed designs spread through-out my various systems. I also have several dozen other interconnects from such companies as Purist, Audioquest, Goertz, Monster, etc... that i'm not using, but could if i thought they worked better in a given application. In case you're wondering why i listed Goertz in both used / not-using categories, it is because i'm running some of their cables in balanced / XLR form but not in single-ended / RCA form. Re-configuring the same cable from RCA to XLR changes the electrical properties of the cable. This is due to the geometry of the cable being altered, which in turn changes the nominal impedance, bandwidth, etc... and the way that the signal is conducted.

The power cords that i use vary depending on the electrical characteristics and current demands that each individual device requires. Many of these are my own design and / or commercially available designs that i've "tweaked" a bit to suit my own specific needs / goals. Most take into account different design / electrical attributes that i've publicly discussed in three different cable and / or AC based threads that are currently in recent rotation.

I will say that they are all low inductance / high capacitance designs that make use of reasonably flexible conductors. I'm not a big fan of ultra-rigid power cables, or any other cable that is "stiff" for that matter.

As such, i hope that this answers some of your questions.

As a side note, after you sent me the first email i.e. "Hey Sean, did your psychiatrist forbid you to talk to me? lol Lay those power cords etc. on me.", i responded to your cock-eyed comments about my supposed psychiatrist not allowing me to talk to you ( i don't see or have a psychiatrist )and asked what you were referring to in specific, here's what i got back from you: "I'm just fool'n with you. We've had some tete a tetes on the 'gon and with your temporary banishment (and as a rule; anger tinged posts) from the 'gon, I thought that you were avoiding any contact with me, and others, perhaps. Anyway, you're clearly avoiding my questions, or circumlocuting. Now that I've given you the deal with the psychiatrist, how about answering my questions? Fair enough? peace, warren". Why didn't you just respond to me with a simple link to this ( or any other specific ) thread instead of the response above?

Instead of doing so, you tell me that you're only joking with me regarding the psychiatrist. Fair enough, i can take a joke. Then you dive right back in and accuse me of avoiding the issues, not wanting to talk to you, etc... Given that i responded to your previous question above less than 2 days ago, provided you with a basic explanation of the background of my AC system and thoughts on the subject by linking to a different thread...how am i avoiding you?

On top of that, you continue on with "Now that I've given you the deal with the psychiatrist, how about answering my questions? Fair enough?". This doesn't seem like a joke to me. Then you resort back to signing off with "peace, warren". What the hell kind of conflicting message is that???

I'll tell ya, with all of the problems i've had lately with my server and email not showing up consistently, this is the kind of stuff that makes it through ??? I will make one thing clear here. I do not wish to converse with you, either privately or publicly. Out of all of the folks that i've ever dealt with on the net publicly and / or via private email, you are the least consistent and what i would term "the biggest flake" of the bunch.

If you want proof of the inner-conflict that you're obviously dealing with, just re-read the last email that you sent to me. If anyone here needs therapy, i think you've got your answer. I've never been anything but "point blank" with any of my answers. I don't think that the majority of people reading these forums would consider me a "chicken" when it comes to being "confronted" with questions. Sean
Sean, I don't know what your parole conditions were/are for your Audiogon reinstatement, but I do know this: nothing changes if nothing changes. Thin skin? Onion skin is more like it. You, do however, have Audio Asylum to do what you love most.......