Electronics for Harbeth, Especially Monitor 40 series

Has anyone tried matching "fast" solid-state to the big Harbeths. Something like Goldmund, Soulution, Spectral, etc. The speakers have great tone but can be a little stodgy. I was wondering if this would open them up a bit. Also, has anyone tried using an LDR passive such as Tortuga or Lightspeed for the same reason
I have been using Spectral pre and amp with the M40.1 and have been very happy for the last 7 years. The M40.1 are somewhat amp friendly but have a lower sensitivity 84-86 db/1 watt/1 m. I do sit close to near field ~5-6 feet. I listen at about 75 db with peaks in the mid to high 80's max. 
I have 40.1's and I've tried many amps and integrateds.    Tube amps are superior in my experience.  Rankings as follows:

  1. VAC PHI 200 (current amp)
  2. VAC 70/70 Signature (130 pound beast, great on vocals and jazz)
  3. McIntosh MC275 MKV (fun, gutsy classic amp)
  4. VAC 30/30 (incredible amp with midrange to die for, but could use a tad more power)
  5. Plinius SA-102 in class A (best solid state I've owned)
  6. Bryston 4BST (decent value at used prices)
  7. McIntosh MA2275 (too soft and mellow)
  8. Musical Fidelity M3 Nu-Vista (awful gear... will never buy MF again)

Perfect time to chime in,
I do prefer solid state. Tubes a little to laid back for my ears.
I have 40.1 and by far my two favorites are
Plinius 103 and the new Bryston 4 cubed.
Imo they need a little muscle.

@dan31, Vinnie Rossi told me at Newport that he listens to all Harbeths in the same near field type set up. Six-foot equilateral triangle. I've never heard them set up that way, but anything that would keep the tonality and frequency distribution while increasing imaging and jump factor sounds like a step in the right direction to me

I have heard that Glenn Croft is voicing his amplifiers with Harbeth.

I have matched Harbeth with Croft and love it.They are hybrid design .