Electrostats Shootout at 4000 Corral

from the latest electrostat technology the gunslingers are from kansas the legendary MARTIN LOGAN with the ASSENT($4000) from utah SOUND LABS with their handsome DYNOSTAT($3900) and from georgia INNERSOUND with EROS PASSIVE($4000) to make this as fair as possibile KRELL 300i amp($3000 new $1200 used) and for CDP hmmm take the NAD C540($600 NEW) i would prefer GASMAN'S recommendation the powerful INNERSOUND ESL amp($3000 new) gives 300 watts into 8 ohms 600 into 4 and 1000 into 2. for cdp i would prefer the new GRANITE 657 TUBE CDP($2500). i have seen MARTIN LOGAN shoot, BEAUTIFUL! no dealers in new orleans for INNERSOUND or SOUND LABS , guess have to drive to houston or atlanta to hear these guys. you know it seems the shootout is not between these 3, its more like these 3 against the HUNDREDS of box LOUDspeakers(WITH THE WILSONS leading the pack and the MAGEPLANNARS are in the pack as well. sorry maggie devotes i'VE HEARD THE MAGGIE 1.6 with CALIFORNIA LABS CDP and a NAD amp as well with a ROGUE amp ,not impressed. so its a question of which of the 3 electrostat can knock off the most boxed LOUD speakers. tweekerman
Kw6, that´s exactly what I didn´t like with my SL-3´s and reQuests. I switched to the Maggie 3.6´s, no lows-way-down-here and highs-way-up-there sound. I´m very curious to hear the full range SL´s though. Happy listening.
Be careful Tweekerman if you go see Duke - the full range Soundlabs will blow you away and get you reaching deeper into your pocket - you will not be satisfied with the Dynastats. Not too many speakers bring it like the full range Soundlab including the elegant CLS or the Quad 989. If you have the room for the A or M series you need not search any longer. I wish I had the room for them.
Hasse, sorry if I come off as sort of an evangelist for the Eros, but I know from personal experience that the Eros Mk-II will deliver more extended and dynamic bass than the Maggie 3.6 and clean, very articulate highs out past the upper limits of the audible range without losing its composure -- as long as the amp can supply adequate power without clipping. The Eros will also play much louder than the 3.6 without self-destructing or blowing fuses.

I think the full-range Sound Labs are excellent speakers, but are very large, expensive, and are even more demanding of their amplification than the Eros.
Ljgj now we are talking something altogether new. if one goes to innersound web page there is only a choice between the old eros and the upgraded eros mk11. if one goes to soundlabs web you will find spectular electrostats the very expensive A and the expensive M series. but dynastat is all i can barely afford (in debt as opposed to bankrupt). so this brings us to this conclusion, the dynostats are $4000 and the cls11z are $4000, which to go with? GASMAN casts his vote for innersound's eros as a total package but stated in a nice letter that his personal favorite is the cls11z. GASMAN states "you will not hear what this speaker (cls11z) can really do unless you use the innersound esl amp". PLATO as well casts his vote for the eros mk11, however he likes the monarchy se-100 delux over the innersound " by a small margin". PLATO also said to make sure its the upgraded with the hitachi mosfet. remember the full range soundlabs are twice the price as the cls11z and old eros. i guess the only way to solve this is to go listen to the dynostats today. i will have to locate a dealer for the eros and the elusive cls11z (new orleans dealer and the birmingham dealer says special order only) so my question to you is would the cls11z($4000) with a (used) rel storm 111($500) sub out perform the dynostats($4000) as well as the up graded eros mk11($6000)?
PLATO i just read your note to Hasse i think you answered my question sound labs dynostat vs. eros. but what about eros mk11($6000) vs. cls11z($4000)+rel storm111 sub ($1000)?