Electrostats Shootout at 4000 Corral

from the latest electrostat technology the gunslingers are from kansas the legendary MARTIN LOGAN with the ASSENT($4000) from utah SOUND LABS with their handsome DYNOSTAT($3900) and from georgia INNERSOUND with EROS PASSIVE($4000) to make this as fair as possibile KRELL 300i amp($3000 new $1200 used) and for CDP hmmm take the NAD C540($600 NEW) i would prefer GASMAN'S recommendation the powerful INNERSOUND ESL amp($3000 new) gives 300 watts into 8 ohms 600 into 4 and 1000 into 2. for cdp i would prefer the new GRANITE 657 TUBE CDP($2500). i have seen MARTIN LOGAN shoot, BEAUTIFUL! no dealers in new orleans for INNERSOUND or SOUND LABS , guess have to drive to houston or atlanta to hear these guys. you know it seems the shootout is not between these 3, its more like these 3 against the HUNDREDS of box LOUDspeakers(WITH THE WILSONS leading the pack and the MAGEPLANNARS are in the pack as well. sorry maggie devotes i'VE HEARD THE MAGGIE 1.6 with CALIFORNIA LABS CDP and a NAD amp as well with a ROGUE amp ,not impressed. so its a question of which of the 3 electrostat can knock off the most boxed LOUD speakers. tweekerman
Ask the Eros dealer how much he will sell you a pair of the traded in ML's - bet he does not have any. All the speakers you are looking at are pretty good and should serve you well.
well i've heard enough seems like the choice would be the same as a choice between a beautiful blond, brunette, or redhead.
i've made some calls around the country, seems the eros out performs the ml line in same price range. soundlab's dynastat needs to go back to drawing board but their m3($7300) to their a1 ($16700) takes prize as best speaker in the universe. note: i came across a old post where someone called Mr.Roger Sanders and asked which amp for isis , he told them seems all pretty much the same on a equal footing. some dealer in california said exactly the same thing. hmmm interesting... said goes for cables as well. i always believed that about speaker wire but thought i was wrong when i saw all these beautiful thick cables. interesting...says he has done many blindfolded tests and no one gets it right between $50 cables and $1000 cables... interesting... very...says speakers makes all the difference. pretty much my ideas, so i chose krell and nad cdp, just any old amp will do as well as any old cdp. this and 50 cents won't buy you a cup of coffee .
Well just buy the Bose 901's and be popular with the vast majority of the universe who thinks they are by far the best.
Tweekerman, any reason to not consider the larger Soundlab speakers used? Even the new Millennium 3 could possibly be affordable with dealer discount.

I agree with those who suggest that the Dynastat is not a particularly strong speaker. I have never heard an electrostatic hybrid sound correct, particularly against a full range model. It may surprise you to know that the larger Soundlab speakers are more efficient, due to the radiating area. I have gotten consistent 90 DB plus in my large sound room with a 21 watt SET driving Soundlab Ultimate Ones. More power is certainly preferred, but I think this makes the point about size and design being important.