Elrod Statement Gold Owners Please

Does the performance of this cable justify the price? It has been referred to as a component cable as it well should considering it's retail price tag.Just curious as to how owners feel about this cord.
I just got my first Elrod Gold Statement! I suppose by saying "first" you alreay know what I think, nevertheless, here are some more details!

I have tried a fair number of Power cords, for example: Shunyata Taipan/Python/Anaconda/AnacondaVX/Virtual Dynamics Master LTD/ BMI Hammerhead Gold Mkiv/ BMI Oceanic/Argento Flow Master reference/MIT/Cardas/Isoclean Super Focus and Isoclean Supreme Focus and Running springs Crown Jewel............. These come to mind, I'm sure there were others!

Bottom line....... the Isoclean Supreme Focus was the best for me. The Supreme Focus was in a different league than the rest, although I did like the BMI, and the HZ Crown Jewel has it's place as well. I still have a great respect for the Isoclean Supreme Focus, I will still take it anywhere and put it up against anything.

That said, the Elrod Gold Statement makes my Isoclean Supreme Focus sound "dated". I have only had the power cord a week or so, and I am told by others with the Elrod that it gets MUCH better! To be specific, with one Elrod in the system, I have better detail, soundstage, palpability (meat on the bone), better piano, better drums.

When assessing "value" in high end audio, nothing makes sense! The prices that are charged for some of this gear is ridiculous, period! However, all things in perspective, I think the Elrod is equivalent to a component upgrade. Mind you the rest of the system has to be "there" to appreciate what the Elrod can do for you! I really don't think the Elrod is going to turn a Tandy Radio Shack receiver into Dartzeel separates, but if you have very good gear, it will make it great gear, and it will be your last power cord.
In my system, the Elrod Statement Gold PCs are also tantamount to a full component upgrade. Putting in the first brought everything Shane is talking about and more in terms of realism, energy and imaging. The overall effect would take alot more than I have time to write to describe fully but suffice it to say the difference is an eye opener. Every instrument, every voice, etc....is just that much more real...With other Elrod PCs on select equipment, I've been able to experience even more of this across my entire system....
My experience has been very similar to that of Puremusic, Zephyr, and Bullot. I had used Elrod cords for years, and was very shocked at how much better the Statement Gold was. It is shocking how expensive they are too. My sense of that changed dramatically once I heard what the cord could do, though.
I'll add another very positive testamonial to the above. I have tried a lot of power cords, too, and had my system outfitted entirely with Elrod Statements in the end. I tried my first Gold a year and a half ago, and it was a profound system improvement, feeding my power conditioner.

I have since added a second Gold feeding the preamp, and it raised the system performance considerably again, although not as much as the first one did on the power conditioner.

Now I am actually contemplating trying a Diamond on the conditioner, and shifting the freed up Gold to the amp or the CD player, whichever one proves to bring the greatest improvement. The costs are obscene, but the performance in the Gold is definitely there, and if the Diamond also delivers commensurately, that would be fantastic. (A couple folks with broad experience and reliable ears have asserted so to me.)

So, I clearly think they are worth it - - just like a component upgrade. (Come to think of it, it was kind of like when I stepped up to the VAC Renaissance Sig. preamp - - a big improvement in all the ways detailed in other comments above.)

I do suspect that the better one's connected components are, the more worthwhile and evident the value of the Golds will be.