Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
I am in no way affiliated with PS Audio but I am truely impressed with the P-10 power regenerator in my system. It does not lower dynamics, shows you incoming power numbers, power regenerated to your system numbers, total harmonic distortion removed and percentage of the capacity of the machine your system is using as well as a surge protector. Linear power supply. I've A/B'd straight to the wall and the PS unit seems to win. I think that when you have tubes that run this close to the top, this machine or one like it is necessary.
I have read this thread with some interest as one of my amps is a Reimyo PAT 777 (best 300B amp I have ever heard) which I have tubed with the awesome and incredibly rare AVVT C37 300BSL (I have a spare pair) tubes. I wonder if anyone has any real world experience as to how the Elrogs or the Takatsuki compare to this tube.

If I have to purchase to compare I will but I'd like to gain any useful insights before tasking my bank account :)

The Reimyo PAT 777 is an incredible amplifier. I currently own Takatsuki and Elrog 300B tubes and in the past owned the AVVT tube, so I can not offer you a direct comparison. I am planning a long term comparison between the Takatsuki and the Elrog in my Coincident Frankensteins but am holding off doing so until my power issues are sorted out.

Although I have never heard the Reimyo in my system, on those occasions when I had the opportunity to hear it in a familiar system, it was always with NOS Western Electric 300B tubes. I recall that the Reimyo was designed around the WE 300B.

A comparison between NOS WE, Elrog, Takatsuki and the AVVT sounds like an enjoyable way to spend a few weeks.

Hi and thanks for the compliment on the amp :) I am listening to it as I type this. I have never had the privilege of hearing your amp but I know it has a large following :) You are correct in that the Reimyo was designed around the WE300B but I personally think that some of these newer tubes may have surpassed the WE tubes.

Can't wait t read your take on the Takatsuki's vs the Elrogs. NOS W.E. 300B's (not the reissues) have gone for as much as $6K. I will not be spending $6k on 2 tubes LOL!!!