EMC-1 vs. Levinson 360s/Sony SCD-1

I've narrowed my digital Redbook front end down to two choices, both of which will cost me under $4K used. (The "under $4K used" is the important criteria here for me)

The current front-runner for me is a used/demo EMC-1 with the new 24/192 upgrade board at a cost of under $3,500 -- there's seems to be very wide concensus that this is one of the better Redbook players under $10K.

Choice #2 is my current Sony SCD-1 coupled with a Levinson 360s (which is also under $4K used, if you can find one).

I listen to a very wide range of music and have both tubes (Aranov) and SS (Classe 301)amps with a Placette Active Line Stage. Whereas, I realize that few of us have a chance to hear the new upgraded EMC-1, comparisons to the older model are also fine. And if you've listened to another DAC in the $4K used range with the Sony SCD-1 and you liked what you've heard, then please comment.

I've ruled out the following: (probably the best -- DCS - but too expensive, even used). MSB Platinum (sounded a little dark to me, as if it was taking something away when trying to get rid of the digital edge. Mephisto II (dealer who sells both says the the new EMC-1 is equal/better and a whole lot cheaper).

I think many of us are sitting on the fence a little with respect to choosing between a good one box player (EMC-1, Audio Aero, Mephisto II, Meridian, etc.) and the better transport/DAC combos (Levinson. DCS, Wadia, etc.)-- which to me, seem a bit pricey considering the quality of the very best one box players.

Pls1, who has done a lot of comparisons in high end digital, posted in another thread that he thought the differnces were very subtle between some of this high end stuff, sometimes just 5% or so -- has anyone else done extensive listening/comparisons? --Lorne
I have to agree strongly with "Sutts".

After auditoning MANY all-in-one CDP's and seperates with transports, the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 is the overall best thing I heard out there. VERY analog like, smooth, liquid, but with TONS of detail. Best of all can be run direct to amp for the purest possible signal. Do yourself a favor & give a listen before buying anything else (seperates or otherwise).
Check out the Bow ZZ-Eight. This is the best one box CDP that I have heard and unlike all the upsampling units, it doesn't unnaturally smooth the signal. It gives you all the immediacy, bite, dynamics and low end weight which is usually missing from the overly and unnaturally smoothed upsampling units.
Over the last 9 months I have had EMC1, SCD1, and the new Meridian 588. Each had their strengths but were in the same
ballpark. I now switched to a Cary 306 and this is really in a different league. The Vocals, piano, just about everything
sounds more natural and emotional. I strongly recommend you
listen to the Cary 306 before you purchase your next player.
You won't regret it. Good luck.
I had the SCD1 driving a 360S as well as a Sonic Frontiers Processor 3. I found the Sony alone to be closed in and too laid back for my tastes and I had at least 500-600 hours on it. The 360S was a great unit but still a bit hifi. The P3 is also a good unit. I bought a Naim CDSII sight unseen/unheard and my girlfriend immediately said it was better than the other (ie 360S) one. My sister and her boyfriend heard it and had to come in to see what was playing. The Naim has a clear, direct musical sound that completely destroyed all notion of hifi terminology (soundstaging, imaging, depth, resolution etc). I've owned numerous expensive DACs (Wadia, Altis, Audio Logic, Theta, Krell, Levinson et al). They all seem to be of a vein. The Naim was really that good.

However, if you're thinking about the 360S for 4K, you will be safe. ML is a good brand that is no-nonsense and holds its value well.
Just got my new EMC-1 MkII up and running, and cannot believe the improvement in bass dynamics and total lack of digital grain! Too smooth? I dunno...the clarity and detail is NOT compromised...just sounds wonderfully natural.
(Just read a European review showing the MkII's frequency response: razor-flat to +0.1db at 5k, rising to a peak of +0.4db at 16kHz, then falling. So its smoothness is NOT related to Wadia-like rolloff!). Doesn't have the "whitish smeariness" in the treble of the Bel Canto, for example, either.
I'll try it soon running balanced to see if there's any advantage outside the +6dB gain.
Sorry, no experience with the Levinson or Sony. Good luck!