EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...

I have a EMC1 mk2, and I am getting a Cary 306/200 to compare the two together. Has anyone heard the two? What are your thoughts on these two units?


I've had both for extended auditions. Both were the latest versions and both were very good machines. Personally, I preferred the EMC-1UP to the Cary for several reasons. First, the EMC-1 had a magnificent soundstage with stunning layering. I'm a soundstage freak. To my ears the EMC-1 was less electronic sounding than the Cary, more natural, coming closer to the sound of vinyl(closer yes, but no cigar. So far I've heard no digital that equals vinyl). The Cary was indeed more detailed, but I prefer detail that does not call attention to itself. To my ears and in my system the EMC-1 was a bit more musical. Ergonomically, I much preferred the EMC-1. Hated the Cary's christmas tree looks. Hated the dual function remote. Could really do without the switch for upsampling. I really don't need one more thing to obssess about. The EMC-1 has an understated physical presence despite its bulk. I loved the top loading transport. And yes, the remote is a cheesy piece of crap, but it worked fine and I'm not big on remotes. I've listened to several cdp in the past several month. All of them were very good. It's just a matter of personal preference. Listen and judge for yourself.
JM88439 if you are ever in the market to upgrade from your EMC-1 mk2, I highly recommend trying Ayre CX-7. You would be surprised at how good it sounds.

And I totally agree on the aesthic issue. The Cary 306/200 CDP looks pathetic. I loved the looks of the EMC-1 mk2. It is the most beautiful player I have ever seen. However, I did think the Cary was a 'little' better. The differences were subtle though, and I could understand why someone would like the EMC-1 mk2 better in their system.

HOWEVER, the differences were not subtle at all between the Cary 206/EMC-1 mk2 and the Ayre CX-7. The Ayre IMHO is a better player in many many ways (see my review if you want to know more). The Ayre is a technological leap that leaves the Cary and EMC players sounding not-so-good.