Entry Level Cables


I'm currently in the process of upgrading my system a little bit at a time. Right now I'm using a Onkyo SR606 with some basic terrible speakers. I added the Onkyo for xmas and now I'm ready to upgrade my mains. I don't have much of a budget, so right now I've been looking at Paradigm's Titans or possibly a good deal on Paradigm's Reference Studio 20. Assuming I purchase the 20, what would be a good, entry level cable to run?

I've heard that I can't go wrong with Kimber's 8TCs, but they are just a bit beyond my currently target range of $100-$200 total to wire both speakers. Since I'm new, I most certainly don't want to make any terrible mistakes and skimp on the cabling and make my speakers essentially worthless. On the other hand, $400-$500 for cables is just too much for me right now.

Thanks for the input!
I can say honestly I have never had anyone contact me based on a thread that I left on Audiogon, let alone purchase anything from me based on a thread. Meaning I have never benefited financially from these threads. I have no financial interest.

Besides if someone were to look for a dealer near them and say that I was a dealer then they could clearly see the connection. They would put two and two together and just say "hey this is the guy on Audiogon who recommended this product".

I think "goners" deserve more credit then you are giving them.

I think people deserve to know every time I post a response to a thread that I am a dealer and not just threads where I make mention of a product that I carry. I could very well have a used piece of gear advertised here and then go on threads and in stealth mode to promote that piece. Not sure how many members may be doing just that.

So my advice would be for you to announce that you are a dealer every time you are on a thread. I am sure that would help your business.
I disclose my status as a retailer whenever a product in my line is part and parcel to the discussion which in fact is very seldom. Check it out soundsreally.

I don't need or use these threads to promote my business.

Unlike you.
I agree with Audiofeil- Any thing other than complete disclosure is dishonest.