Entry level Phono Stage for Dynavector 10x5

Just received some gifts for the Holidays. Among them was a Dynavector 10x5. Well its blown me away. It has really just given me what I have been looking for since I stared this hobby.

Well I am thinking about grabbing a stand alone phono stage. I am using the internal one in my preamp. I am wondering if the Dynavector or the Jolinda phono stage would be a big upgrade.

I am also wondering which to go with. Obviously it makes sense to go with the Dynavector because of how much I already like the cart they produce. That being said some say the MM is really just ok. Its the MC that shines and of course I would use the MM because the 10x5 is a HOMC.

Question is what would be a better choice? Should I just keep what I have? Any thoughts from people who have used these combinations. Or am I better off just keeping what I have and do and upgrade in the future?

I am buying used and don't see upgrading the cart anytime in the near future.
I have a dynavector 10x5 and Jolida phono preamp. I read a ton of reviews and I noticed many suggested upgrading the tubes. I used it stock for a month or 2, then changed the tubes to Tung Sol tubes, (which, incidentally are what come with the "upgraded" version). The difference was huge. I thought it sounded good stock, but nothing to go crazy for. With the Tung Sol tubes it really sounds great! I'm very happy with the set up.
Guys, if you are looking in these ranges, you really NEED to listen to the HEED phono stages. They are KILLER. I have one and it's used with an Ayre and Basis/Benz system. I have put it up against some major name amps that are well above what is being talked about in this thread and it was 95% of what was there (these are all 3k plus phonos). You can't get them everywhere, but I got one from Nick at Audio Connection at Verona, NJ. There are some other stores who have them too, but the Quasar is KILLER folks. I was in shock as I auditioned last week as I thought I was going to get a new 3k plus phono. I'm still in shock. The other phono's are a bit better, but not for three times the cost if not more. JMHO, but do yourself a favor and go listen.
I just splurged on a Parasound Halo JC-3+ to replace my Dynavector P-75 MkII. The Halo won't be in until next week and I haven't heard one, yet. I'm listening to the P-75 right now being driven by an XX-2 MkII. That JC-3+ better be one hell of a rig because the P-75 always impresses me.

That being said, after I get the JC-3+ in the system and I have a chance to do some comparisons between the two, I'll probably have my P-75 for sale for $400. When matching to a Dynavactor cart in PE mode, you can't go wrong with the P-75 for less than $1500.
Look forward to what you hear. I heard the plus recently and was in shock. I heard it vs their normal JC3 and they were worlds apart. Let it burn in big time as it needs it to open up the caps.
I ended up buying a Nova Phonomena used on Audiogon. I hope it will be a big jump. I should be able to sell it off for not much loss if it does not work in my system.

I also will be able to A/B in my friends system against a Sutherland PhD. I fully expect the $3000 Sutherland to be better than the Nova but interesting to see how much better. From my reading these are going to have two total different sounds. Should be interesting.