Entry level Phono Stage for Dynavector 10x5

Just received some gifts for the Holidays. Among them was a Dynavector 10x5. Well its blown me away. It has really just given me what I have been looking for since I stared this hobby.

Well I am thinking about grabbing a stand alone phono stage. I am using the internal one in my preamp. I am wondering if the Dynavector or the Jolinda phono stage would be a big upgrade.

I am also wondering which to go with. Obviously it makes sense to go with the Dynavector because of how much I already like the cart they produce. That being said some say the MM is really just ok. Its the MC that shines and of course I would use the MM because the 10x5 is a HOMC.

Question is what would be a better choice? Should I just keep what I have? Any thoughts from people who have used these combinations. Or am I better off just keeping what I have and do and upgrade in the future?

I am buying used and don't see upgrading the cart anytime in the near future.
On the second disk after setting up the JC-3+. Wow. wow. Very nice. Can't wait to see what happens after the caps break in.
Yea the Curl is a nice design. Very clean. Honestly though I have put my Heed up against most of the 3k and under and although the more expensive ones have a bigger stage and more bass (usually), it's not by much and the price difference is so great, I'd use that to upgrade the cartridge and the system would then rock. It all depends on where you want your money, thats all. Glad you like your amps guys.
Maybe try to find a used Herron VTPH-1. It is an excellent phono stage compared to other used unit in that price point, significantly better than anything new at that price point. Or just pop for a Herron VTPH-2 and not worry about upgrading the phono stage anymore.