Entry level Phono Stage for Dynavector 10x5

Just received some gifts for the Holidays. Among them was a Dynavector 10x5. Well its blown me away. It has really just given me what I have been looking for since I stared this hobby.

Well I am thinking about grabbing a stand alone phono stage. I am using the internal one in my preamp. I am wondering if the Dynavector or the Jolinda phono stage would be a big upgrade.

I am also wondering which to go with. Obviously it makes sense to go with the Dynavector because of how much I already like the cart they produce. That being said some say the MM is really just ok. Its the MC that shines and of course I would use the MM because the 10x5 is a HOMC.

Question is what would be a better choice? Should I just keep what I have? Any thoughts from people who have used these combinations. Or am I better off just keeping what I have and do and upgrade in the future?

I am buying used and don't see upgrading the cart anytime in the near future.
He has been in business for a long time. I really don't like his service but I am not out to hurt the guy. He has a well established line which has a small die hard fan base here. I have been told that's the core of business. I have seen one user praising him on audiogon and not looking to start a fight.

His style is kind of brash. I pretty sure most audiophiles can decide for themselves. Not like there are many choices in Louisiana.
I think a better choice would be to keep what you have, save more money, then do an upgrade. In less then a year, after you've had a taste of the D75, you are most likely going to get the upgrade bug. So, set a goal for a used phono stage in the 1000 to 1500 range or more if you like, or go for a new Primare R32. The R32 is a very versatile duel mono design from Sweden, with a list price of 1500, but today I found out you can get them for less, as with most new audio gear, if you shop. Research them on primare.net or you can find them here in the industry directory: Primare Systems. In the long run, having any nice phono stage to settle on in the future will allow you to up grade or experiment with other cartridges rather than changing out phono stages.
Darkstar, I'm from Louisiana as well - Lafayette to be precise. The only hi end anything we have around here is the Magnolia in Best Buy, but they have a very limited line up. I've had to order all my gear through the mail as well. I had the Dynavector P75 MKIII with the DV 20x2L that I did use in PE mode and it is a great phono amp. sorry I can't speak to the MM. If your in Lafayette pm me and maybe we can arrange a meet for you to test drive the DV. I'm using it in my secondary rig since I upgraded to the Parasound JC3+.