Entry Level Tube Amp CD Player Direct.

I am interested in trying a tube amp directly connected to the CD. What in your opinion would be the best bang for the buck.I am on a budget but do not mind investing more in less pieces.Good amp/good speakers/ good CD player/good cables.
IMHO CDs need a pre-amp as without one, the sound may appear to be "cleaner" (more analytical) but the music lacks the life (rich dynamics) that a good pre-amp can give it. Give a listen to the Vandersteen Model 1 or 2 speakers along with some Rotel electronics and possibly Rega CD. Audioquest makes some competitive cabling that sounds good. Point is, there are many ways to get not just sound, but music.
jkphoto is right--there are many ways to get not just sound, but music. in terms of "entry level" tube amps--none are more musical than cj's mv55. it was my first tube amp and i listened to quite a few before i bought. i recently left it (after nearly 3 years) in favor of a more powerful cj tube offering. check the reviews at audioreview.com--this amp (stereophile class b) is nearly universally loved as a cost effective, reiable and very musical intro to tube amps. as always, testimonials and stereophile class designations are helpful, but you and your ears should make the final call. good luck.
Just curious...why tubes? If you must have tubes, Jolida makes some nice tube integrated amps 500-700$. Used Linn Mimik 5-600$ or Rotel 990 5-700,(discontinued) speakers Soliloquy 5.0 5-700(with stands used).However, if you want music "for life" and the chance to upgrade on the long run..audition Linn Majik integrated Mimik CD player and Linn Tukan speakers...all should not cost you more than 1.5k used.