Esoteric K-03/Plinius CD-101

Hello fellow audioholics
I am seeking some advice on Esoteric CD players.
I have Dynaudio C4’s with Plinius SA-103, Tautoro and CD-101 with Kimber Hero I/C’s but although I am generally happy with the CD101’s sound I’m considering replacing it for various other reasons.
I’m interested in trying an Esoteric player, potentially the K-03 and was wondering how much of an improvement this player would be compared to the CD-101 with Redbook CD’s as unfortunately I have no way of auditioning.
Can those who have heard both players please comment on what they feel i would gain.

Thanks very much
Thanks Steelhead. I have an old Sony s7700 that I still use for playing dvd’s and it’s very fussy what it will play, very frustrating...

Yes Jkuc, I suspected the Kimbers could be the weak link in my system, they have been with me through numerous upgrades but i didn’t think they were that bad?
Hero is is a good cable but not good enough for your equipment, you do not hear your system to it's full potential.
Badwisdom, if you say so.....
you might have hearing problem which is not a bad thing, it will save you some money haha...