Esoteric X03SE vs Ayon CD-2 or CD-5

Has anybody compared these two playes

I previously owned the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC+Transport and when I read the review on Stereomojo where the editor compared the Ayon CD2 to the PS Audio Perfect Wave and the results were that the Ayon CD2 was way superior, I was taken a back. I purchased the Ayon CD2 and Stereomojo was correct. The Ayon CD2 is leaps and bounds superior to the PS Audio Perfect Wave in every detail. Superior body & detail, more refined, a tight fast bass, warm fluid mid extension and wow, the highs are soo sweet. The Ayon CD2 is a superior unit to the PS Audio - FOR SURE
I auditionded the Ayon CD2 through my Joule Electra tube preamp, Vac 80/80 tube amp, Aural Symphonic cables and Sonus Faber Extrema speakers and found instruments in musical selections to be disconnected in space albeit the imaging, resolution and soundstaging were very fine indeed. The
Ayon to me was analytical rather than musical.
Sorry, I stand corrected. I meant Joule Electra preamp. To many stages to get the final product. The Ayon provides outstanding soudstage and is second to only the Ayon CD5.