EVS Millenium Owners

I Would be interrested in hearing what some of you are using as a transport with this DAC, the MK II version, and what you have compared your current setup to. Would you go this route again or would you go for a single box player? Interest being in Redbook CD quality. Thanks for your time.

I am using a modified G&D Transforms UTP-1 ( Ultimate TransPort ) feeding a Tara Labs silver / teflon digital cable into my EVS Millennium II DAC. Given the fact that the G&D is phenomenally low on jitter to begin with ( used to be the lowest in the industry but don't know if it still is ), i don't run any type of jitter box, etc... I am completely happy with this combo and have no plans to buy anything else at this point in time. However, i would like to hear the Audio Aero just to see what i am missing. I know that what i have is not anywhere near being "top dog", but it is very nice sounding "red book" none the less. Sean
I am using an old Studer A727 CDP (the heavy duty pro version of the Revox B226) as a transport and it sounds great. I believe it dates back to the late 80s, but I think it sounds better than my Pioneer DV-05(DVD) and my old Denon DCD2650. I also preferred it to a Rega Planet as a one box CDP. It must have somewhat low amounts of jitter, or the Millenium takes care of the problem...whichever, I don't notice a problem and I prefer it to the other players I tried. I have tried several digital cables...Better Cables basic model, Apogee Wyde Eye, Cardas Lightning 15, Acoustic Zen MC2, and an Elco Premium Silver. I've settled on the Elco for now, but the Cardas and Acoustic Zen have their strengths and the Apogee is amazing for $35. The EVS is a really great DAC for the price...you won't be disappointed. Every transport and every cable I tried sounded good. Sure...I did comparisons and I preferred certain transports and cables over others, but I could easily live happily ever after with any of the transports and cables. They were all musical through the Millenium 2, but the DAC is good enough to spend some time finding a good cable and transport. You'll notice the difference and you'll be happy that you did. As far as buying a Millenium 2 today?? Yeah...I think I would. They were a great deal when new, but they're an even better deal used. A one-box player *could* be better, but you'd have to spend a lot of money to get the parts and design quality that went into the DAC2. I'd like to upgrade to a one box player with hi-res capability and have Ric Schultz (from EVS) mod it, but I don't see the point in doing that until more companies come out with decent universal players. Why commit to SACD OR DVD-A now? In another year or two more companies will be offering good players that are capable of playing both. Until then, the Millenium DAC2 is an excellent choice for Redbook CD and/or DVD.
Thanks for the input guys. This is my first bout with an outboard DAC and I can't decide if I'm up to the mix and match game. I have been considering picking up a (used) Theta Pearl, SFT-1 or possibly a Meridian transport to go with this. My problem is, I Can't decide if I want to take this route or just go with a the Cary 303 player. Prices are looking real good here on Agon for a used one right now. I'm not trying to start a battle of the CD players here, that just happens to be one of my choices. Also, I don't know how the Transport/DAC would compare against the Cary. Too many darn choices.